I think I have a stress fracture on my left shin. I have made it to week 6, I really hope I'm wrong! Came home from my run last night and I had a really painful shin that lasted a few hours and when I touch the bone sharp pain. Not very painful this morning just a few twinges. Feel abit silly heading to A&E for an xray just for this but am worried incase I make things worse by not taking it seriously. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Stress Fracture: I think I have a stress... - Couch to 5K
Stress Fracture

You know your own body, we don’t know what you are going through. Our main advice is and always will be if in doubt check it out. You will know yourself if it is an A&E issue or pop to see your GP on Monday issue. Whichever take care and look after yourself, let us know how you get on. Rfc x.

Rest it and get it checked out. Well done on getting to week 6... those runs will wait for you to heal.

Sounds like it's worth getting it checked although you'll be a lower priority at A&E and could have a long wait at the weekend. Is there a minor injuries walk-in unit you can visit instead?
Thanks for the advice everyone. Yes might just wait until Monday but the Gp probably just send me to xray I would imagine. Aww just frustrated feel like you are making progress andthen something pops up. Will rest over the weekend. Thank you all.
Life does that, all runners pick up injuries at some point. You’ll be back and stronger than ever before. Just find some exercises that help running without stressing that leg. I’m doing some core work despite being able to do precisely zero sit ups!

Sounds a bit like shin splints. Also not nice! But not a fracture at least. Check them out on the internet. Hope whatever it is gets sorted quickly.