So it seems I’ve battled through everything in the last 8 weeks. The beast from the east with ice, blizzards, but I ran through it. Mini beast from the east with driving wind and rain and saturated ParkRun courses, but I ran through it. Runner’s knee in my left leg, but I ran through it. Then in my right, but I ran through it. Two colds and hacking coughs, but I ran through it all. But now at week 9 I feel like I’ve fallen at the last hurdle - sinusitis. No matter what I do, I can’t run with this pain in my face. Feeling so sad as wanted to graduate at the ParkRun on Saturday but I’m not sure I’ll get the first two runs in now. 😭
Week 9 stress : So it seems I’ve battled through... - Couch to 5K
Week 9 stress

That is so awful for you, especially when you have built yourself up for the graduation. Its horrible when plans go out the window. You haven't fallen at the last hurdle, its just moved a little bit. I can feel your disappointment, take care and get better x
Thank you. And I could really do with a sick day tomorrow but in Year 6 can’t afford the time before SATs PLUS a twilight tomorrow til 6. I could cry.
Its such a stressful time at work, thats not going to help you either. Be careful, my hubby gets sinusitis and inevitably ends up on antibiotics because it becomes infected. As difficult a decision it is you should take a day off but believe me I understand, I find its harder to organise a day off than just go in and suffer. Take good care of yourself
Tasha buy some sudafed spray or otrivine nasal spray. After breaking my nose when I was young I have difficulty breathing through my nose so I use these. At £4 it lasts up to 10 hrs clears my sinuses and a few paracetamol for the pain and away to go. It works in minutes 😉

So sorry to hear this. Try not to be too disappointed as in the bigger picture it really doesn't matter a jot. If you are not able to graduate on Saturday I'm sure it will be very soon after!

Tasha, your health is far more important than any self-imposed C25k target.
You already know you can run 5k, and, in a decent time too! 😀
Be kind to yourself, my lovely❤️
Thank you! I do feel a bit like I’m doing week 9 for the sake of it as have already done 35 mins and 5k. But still want to do the right number of runs 🤔

That's such a shame, but you'll get there very soon. It might not be as you hoped, but it will still be brilliant. Take care, and take it easy when you can. 👍

It would be great to graduate at the park run but be proud of yourself for what you have achieved and it really doesn’t matter when you graduate but that you do. We will also still be here to cheer you over the finish line x

Oh horrid... I empathise completely!!! I wear a bob hat and my buff to combat the blinking things...! On of my sinus cavities is wrapped around a nerve of one of my top teeth!!!! ...
Loads of warm , as hot as you can stand, flannels... and then rub, rub, rub, with warm oil
The runs will still be there,,, and the weather is getting warmer..honestly!!!

I suffer badly with sinusitis and I found a video of a lady doing a lymph drainage self massage which helps sinuses. So I tried it when mine flared up after this year's flu bug and it really helped.

I had a sinus infection last summer, I literally thought I was going to die. Postponing week 9 for a bit doesn’t mean failing, it means doing it when you’re healthy and can enjoy it, rather than struggling on and wishing your face would fall off to stop the pain.
You can do it, you KNOW you can do it, so do it when you’re feeling in the mood to celebrate!xx

Rest up and look after yourself, 🤗 You have this program absolutely nailed! Already running 5km in great time! We will all be here to cheer when you pass the W9R3 finish line. 🏃♀️👏🥂
Whenever I’m happy to accompany you on the B210K. A week here or there doesn’t matter!