Does anyone know how I can tell the difference from shin splints to a stress fracture?? I know that my shin hurts, and it's a sharp pain in one spot on my shin, feels like a bruised bone and I can't walk without limping on it, and had to finish my run limping today! 😱
Stress fracture: Does anyone know how I can tell... - Couch to 5K
Stress fracture

I really don't know the answer to your question but I would say go to your doctor if you are in any doubt at all.
Check out this article from Runners World see if that's of any help to you too
Either way, here's wishing you a speedy recovery x

I can't advise really, sorry, but I'd have thought it would be shin splints rather than a fracture - can you fracture your shin by running? Try RICE, rest, ice, compression, elevation, and Ibuprofen gel. If it's still sore see your doc?
HI there,
The best way to differentiate between shin splints and a stress fracture is by using a MRI. It's really important to rest when in this much pain but do keep performing gentle movements with your foot within pain free range of motion. For example when seated, point your toes/foot away from you and then up towards your knee. Try gently rubbing some anti-inflammatory onto the painful area. Perform some very gentle stretching for your calfs and shins. If things don't start to improve over the next couple of days, you could approach your GP and ask for a MRI scan. A good sports osteopath should be able to help with the treatment and management of your condition. Best of luck!

That's exactly what I'm going through! I'd googled myself into stress fractures with one point being particularly painful. I didn't bother with my gp as the chances are they're not a running specialist and they can't look inside your leg! So I went to a sports physio. She said I just had shin splints and its easy to rectify (just frustrating!).
I had ultrasound treatment and strict rest for two weeks. Its been one week and I'm going for a sports massage later today. My calves are so tight they caused the shin splints.
It's probably not as bad as you think but certainly worth seeing a specialist. My physio made me feel much better but I am getting twitchy not being able to run.
Good luck and get yourself seen.
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments! I went on to start wk 2 today after a rest day, bad idea, 15 mins in,had to stop, And we were stuck at the park as it was too painful to walk, oops! So painful legs, freezing cold and failed the run! Horrible day 😞 x

I'm up to W6R3 but currently entering into my third week of no running due to a shin splint. Definitely wouldn't recommend running again until you are better but maybe look for alternatives while you recuperate if you have the itch. I've been swimming and cycling as these are low Impact activities and my shin has given my no issues with either.
Hope you get better soon x