Well after much deliberating in bed about it - I finally got off my arse and did wk4r1.
I just felt so daunted by the idea of running for 5 minutes that it really put a stop in my tracks. I guess if week4 was run for 4 mins I probably wouldnt have felt so bad about going.
Then I had an image that I use to how I aspire my body to be - and figured I aint going to look like that whilst lying in bed so out I went with Laura for week4.
However, I managed *nearly* all of it. Got the first 3 mins done, was feeling ok, got into the first 5 mins and I really had to keep pushing myself to keep running and I did it! I felt like punching the air! Woop woop! Never thought in a million years I'd have managed that.
I even did ok with the 3 mins run after that. Feeling pretty good in my stride, course I can run 3 mins now I've proved I can run up to 5 mins!
And then the last 5 mins - I was really really struggling to keep going, I kept talking to myself how its only a few more mins to go etc, nearly there etc. Then when Laura said I had done 4 mins, I had to cross the road and I just couldnt get my legs running again. I physically couldnt run for another minute even if you paid me! My total route this time was 3.8K - got a while to go for the 5k!
I do feel really proud of myself for pushing hard, really hard and getting 15 mins of running done, but I do feel disappointed I just couldnt last that extra minute - how daft is that to just miss out on the last minute?! Oh well, I'll have more stamina to make it next time for definite.