After my scepticism re the step up from week 3 running for 9 mins total to week 4 running for 16 mins total I have really surprised myself tonight. Running in 27 degree heat at sunset I set off slow as advised and shock horror, dare i say it, the whole run felt fairly comfortable. Legs were hurting a bit by the end but I managed to run just a little further after Laura said I could slow down, did the cool down walk and then ran up the steps to my apartment! Faith is restored. I'm now feeling much more positive. If I can do this, anyone can so keep going!!! I really struggled to run for 60 seconds in week 1 so this is proof the program works!
After much scepticism I managed w4 R1 + a litt... - Couch to 5K
After much scepticism I managed w4 R1 + a little extra. Keep the faith people!

Oh it works alright. Well done!
Thanks! I'm starting to believe now
Well done. I completed the same run today
You too Helen! Finally starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere! Good luck with the rest of the program

Well done. I did this run today too and was very nervous about moving on to the longer runs but like you said, completing today has given me confidence again. I guess this is why it works this programme. It stretches you enough to challenge you but not to fail. Onwards and upwards for us all
I'll drink to that! Well done and here's to the longer runs ahead!

Pity we can't add music to our blogs. The Monkees' "I'm a Believer" is just right for you (substitute 'running' for love and 'when I heard her voice' for 'when I saw her face').
Well done.
Definitely. I'd love it too if we could add our own music to the podcasts but with Laura's voice over