Jantastic 2014 - NHS Couch to 5K Team - Week 12 - Couch to 5K

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Jantastic 2014 - NHS Couch to 5K Team - Week 12

Legion profile image
27 Replies

We have arrived at the final week of Jantastic. When we started it felt very much like winter, and going outside in the cold and rain was not very appealing! Now it mostly feels like spring has sprung, and I am wondering where the weeks went. It does not seem like nearly three months since we started. I hope you have enjoyed the journey and found Jantastic to be beneficial to your running. Don't forget to check out 5x50.org and the NHS C25K team healthunlocked.com/couchto5... if you are looking for a new challenge to improve your fitness.

Remember to log your week 11 runs by 8am Tuesday 25th March and your week 12 runs (and timed run, if not done already) by 8am Tuesday 1st April. After this the team results and all scores will be available. If you would like me to add you to the table above, or to add your timed run, please drop me a message. Please also give your feedback to the Jantastic team (good or bad) via jantastic.me/survey/ Personally I have commented on what I feel to be negative scoring on the timed run.

It just remains for me to thank you for your dedication, enthusiam and team spirit. I have really enjoyed being a part of such a positive and friendly team, and I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. Good luck and happy running. :-)

The Fabulous NHS Couch to 5K Team


































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Legion profile image
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27 Replies
notbad profile image

Thanks legion, I'll check out the survey and I agree with you about the negative scoring on the timed run. By being faster than I guessed I've plunged from #1 to #10 in my local score so it's purely sour grapes on my part ;-) Apart from that it's been good, now for 5x50. :-)

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to notbad

Whilst I understand the idea was to be able to judge your own pace, the overall idea of Jantastic (I thought) was to help people improve their running. Penalising them for succeeding in doing better that they reasonably expected just seems wrong, so I told them so. I've just remembered something else I wanted to say (about having a password or invite for the sign up process, to avoid 'dead' team members who never recorded anything, which I assume is because they didn't actually mean to sign up to our team), so I may have to do the survey again!

ajwyld profile image

Did 1/3 yesterday. It was a choice between a gentle jog and a nap. Was pleasantly surprised to manage 27 or so minutes. I deliberately switched the distance info off on runkeeper as I'd decided not to care about it, so I was really chuffed to look at the stats afterwards and discover 3km.

lizziebeth57 profile image

Hey Legion. Thanks so much for gathering all of the info together, I am sure Jantastic and RfC's quest have made a huge difference to me getting out there in all weathers and getting on with my runs. So I really appreciate the time and effort you have put in to making it work for us.

This last week I did three runs and my longest run was 7k - which is .5k longer than I had planned. My garmin is set to miles so I miscalculated and got a pleasant surprise when I double checked. Timed run - was aiming for 31.30 for 5k and have managed 32.13. Have logged this but will have one more go either Friday or Sunday to get it down to my goal. I've done 2 runs for this week but both shortish as I am chumming my husband on week 7of c25k. I plan to do a longer run on Friday and a final attempt at my timed run on Sunday. Think I will sign up to 5x50 too. Keep me motivated.

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to lizziebeth57

Well done on partnering your husband on c25k. It will be great for you to have him as keen on running as you. ;-) I also have my Garmin set on miles and it is always a challenge to try to do maths while running! :-/

lolb profile image

1st run of the final week done with the running club tonight. I can't believe that I've rune four times a week every week (with the exception of one joker) for three full months. There is no way I would've done that without Jantastic, especially during the winter months - which is obviously the idea behind Jantastic. Thanks Legion for for all your hard work. I've signed up for 5x50 to keep the motivation going and help me train for the two half marathons I've rather madly signed up for!

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to lolb

Yikes! Good luck with the HM training. I'm sure 5x50 will help with that, and there's a few doing it who have already done some HM or marathons who I'm sure will have a wealth of experience and advice to share.

ajwyld profile image

Just did 2/3. As I have a busy weekend, and will probably do my final run on Sunday afternoon, I decided to make it my long run and I am absolutely delighted to have done 5k in 47 minutes. So thats my first official 5k!

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to ajwyld

Well done on your first 5K. :-) You'll be doing 10K before you know it. ;-)

lolb profile image

2nd run completed this morning. I was in London for a course so did an early morning 5k along the Thames which was lovely, although cold - I thought it was supposed to be warmer down south but maybe I was expecting too much!

Jellymum profile image

I'm going to have to apologise to the team for letting you all down a bit in March - I used my joker the first week as I was away with work. Took my running gear but was unable to fit it all in. The next week I did really well with my timed run but wore myself out so the next run my legs were still aching and I couldn't complete the whole distance (which I was penalised quite heavily for). Then a great week last week - couldn't have gone better, fab runs and loving it, and now ......... Illness. Not feeling good at all and need to be ok for an important event on Monday so I can't push myself. I may hopefully feel a bit better tomorrow and maybe get a run in but definitely can't do the distance :( I'm so disappointed as I wanted a bit of a 'finale' week. Hope everyone else manages ok. It's been great doing the challenge and it has really helped get me out there.

Hules profile image
HulesGraduate in reply to Jellymum

You aren't letting the team down at all! It sounds like you have done fantastic!

Soozz profile image
SoozzGraduate in reply to Jellymum

I feel the same, have posted my wk12 disaster above. Commiserations :-(

runningnotwalking profile image

Finished with a 25k run earlier today (Saturday). Good way to sign off.

No jokers used and I think I only missed one run.

Enjoyed it :)

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to runningnotwalking

Well done. I had to read that distance twice to get it to sink in. ;-) Maybe next year for me. :-/

Eebahgum profile image

Thanks Legion for all your hard work. x

I've really enjoyed the challenge (3rd run completed for this week last night).

TJFlute profile image

Thanks for everything Legion! 4th run completed today. Now onto 5x50! It's been an excellent challenge for me to start running regularly again.

lolb profile image

3rd run completed yesterday - 10k - then final run of Jantastic and first of 5 x 50 was a nice 5k along the south coast (visiting family for the weekend). Well done everybody and thanks Legion for all your hard work. It has been a great challenge and definitely kept me motivated!

vikicats profile image

All runs done. I too will be commenting on the scoring system. I was very disheartened having done a really good time to be penalised for it. I think it's a shame.

Thanks Legion for looking after us all. I've enjoyed being part of Jantastic and looking forward now to 5x50! :-)

ajwyld profile image

Just logged 3/3 and am very chuffed ! I won't be doing 5x50 as I think it would be too big a step for me for now, but I've loved the challenge format, so I'll be signing up for a future quest.

Thankyou so much to Legion for sorting this out and keeping us all moving forward - it was a greally great experience !

Hi, I feel a bit disappointed as I am finishing Jantastic on a bit of a whimper. I hurt my back doing DIY so I've only been able to run twice this week, both slow runs and I've had to play a joker. Well done to everyone who has taken part and thanks Legion for organising the NHS C25K team. I have enjoyed the last 3 months and have done a lot more running than I would have without the challenge.

Poppy2010 profile image

Hi Legion! I logged 4 out of 4 runs this week; missed the total distance on my long run (only did 10.5k instead of 12.5, but I ran to parkrun, did the 5k just outside my pb then ran home) but I then had to take grandson to his rugby, so spent the next 45 minutes chasing him and crawling about in the mud (they like adult participation!) I have enjoyed the challenge and only missed one run overall; and was about 20 seconds quicker than my 'predicted' 5km time. Here's to 5x50 keeping me going! :-)

runningmam profile image

Just completed the final run of the final week. Thanks Legion for putting the team together. I (and I'm sure many of the rest of the team) have made massive progress in my running form during theses 3 months.

Cheers :-)

Soozz profile image

Legion, I am mortified! Having diligently done all my Jantastic runs I have failed miserably this week, I have come down with a rotten virus which has left me with no energy and feeling really mouldy. So I only did 1 run last Thursday and despite my plans I didn't do the timed 5k (kept putting off the Parkrun because of work and other commitments) and also didn't do my long run either. I feel totally rubbish but just could not do it. I played my joker a couple of weeks ago when I had a dodgy knee and couldn't do a long run. If I miraculously recover overnight I might do an early morning run tomorrow before 8 but somehow I doubt it. Apart from this week I've really enjoyed Jantastic but now I feel a big failure as well as feeling poorly. Boo hoo.

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to Soozz

Sorry you're not feeling well Soozz. Do you normally time your runs with a Garmin or phone app or something? If so, you could use one of those times (that comes nearest to your set timed run) as the timed run. I don't know if you saw, but they changed the rules at the beginning of March, allowing people to have more than one try at their timed run, and it also seems that a timed run needn't be something 'official' like a race or parkrun. Just log what you can and I hope you've found the rest of the challenge useful. How are you doing generally?

Soozz profile image
SoozzGraduate in reply to Legion

Oo, that's cheered me up as I did the Parkrun circuit in a good (for me!) time in February. Do you think I could count that? I did enjoy the challenge and it certainly motivated me to go out when It wasn't particularly inviting outside! Definitely worth doing, which Is why I feel really cross about it finishing badly cos of this awful heavy cold.

Legion profile image

Just a quick reminder everyone to log ALL your runs (including timed run) by 8am Tuesday 1st April. At last check, our team was somewhere around 12th place out of a large field. Good going. :-)

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