Anyone who wants to join in the 2014 5x50 Challenge should now be able to log-in and/or register on the following link:
I have created a new team for 2014, imaginatively named NHS Couch to 5K (C25K) 2014. The idea is that the new team will consist entirely of active challengers - rather than still show challengers from last year who, for whatever reason, aren't taking part on 2014.
If you are registering for the first time, you should be asked to select your team from a drop down list. There are now three NHS C25K teams on the list so make sure you select the one with "2014" in the name. Don't panic if you have already selected one of the others - you can still change it. If you have selected the "old" team already, or are already registered, you should be able to select the Edit tab on your profile and change your team from a drop down list.
Let me know if you have any problems and I'll try to help.
I'm trying to promote the 5x50 as much as possible, having volunteered as a Fiver so please recommend to any friends outside the C25K program - they might want to create their own team and join in !
With a view to promoting the 5x50 Challenge, I'm trying to build up a bit more of a presence on Twitter (it's a bit new to me!) so feel free to follow me there @haze5x50