After finishing last week on a fairly positive note. This week has been plagued by injury and doubt. My left leg was my original problem - but got that fixed and all going well. As I extend the distance - my whole right leg is protesting - a visit to sports therapist and deep tissue massage (v painful) concluded my IT bands at fault. My Tuesday run was very painful. My gym session was moderately ok and my long run yesterday - hideous.
I managed 9 miles - but was running most of it into strong wind - which was deeply unpleasant and literally took my breath way - i had to keep stopping to walk to catch my breath - I was so despondent in tears actually. I nearly stopped at six miles - to have a hot chocolate and get Mr suzy B to pick me up - but I knew if I did that I would feel doubly rubbish. So I ploughed on and actually was secretly quite pleased with the finish. Despite the pain and feeling so negative - managed a quick 3 miles- I was desperate to finish. ( I am quite irritated today - as it is beautiful running conditions - but watched son play rugby today)
My jittery nerves are really plaguing me - last week ended on a high and then this week i have come plummeting down - partly the injury - which is just plain uncomfortable. But also work have really got behind me on the support and fund-raising- Treadmill Marathon with another colleague planned and another colleague is holding a fundraiser event in my honour. Whilst pleased - it also makes me very nervous about letting people down - which only adds to my lack of confidence. I am also really struggling with the highs and low in emotions- was seriously thinking of quitting.
But I had some interesting thoughts this morning - sun shining therefore feeling more positive. I read somewhere if you don't have the highs and lows Then you are only half living- that is living life at half volume - who wants to do that!!
On my running distances - whenever I set out for my long runs - 10/11/12 miles feels mentally fine. I crack off 3 and just think only six or whatever to go. Clearly something has adjusted in my brain.
I also did some maths on my marathon finishing times - I am hoping for anything under 5 hours . Based on yesterday's deeply disappointing run- I would finish in six hours. Actually that is quite comforting - I can finish without killing myself and it does feel doable.
Roll on week seven.....
Happy running everyone