Well we managed the first run of week 3. Had been dreading it but also in a macabre way looking forward to it. As Laura says keep a steady pace and ours was very slow!! But we even carried on walking afterwards for a good half hour, even poor dog slept when we eventually got back. Good luck every body for week 3.
Week 3 run 1: Well we managed the first run of... - Couch to 5K
Week 3 run 1

I remember those 5 minute runs so well. They seemed so hard but such a great feeling when done. Hope your dog smiles when asleep. Perfect end to a day.

i feel ashamed : { did not get out for W1R1 tonight. torrential rain, dark and came home from work late. can i be forgiven ? (did 42 miles on bike yesterday ) : {

Thankyou.... poor you , get well soon : )

I did it .... W3R1 it was quite tough to start with, but im looking forward to the next one.
Lets keep going girls ! Ive read some of the negative comments re C25K (from people not on the plan ) so even more reason to try harder ..... : )
Well done. I'm not long in from completing my first run of week 3. Found it bloody hard to run for 3 minutes, especially the second time round, but I managed it!

Well done scrappydee1 and almac30 on completing run 1 . My temp has gone down so decided to attempt run 2 and have just got back from it I didn't find it too bad but daughter is finding it very hard and ended up doing warm up walk twice as dog decided to poop just as we were supposed to run for the first 90 secs and missed this as we were clearing it up lol. Keep up the good work .