Today I started week 9 and after my last run of week 8 I was keen to begin the final week of the plan but I woke up today really not in a focused frame of mind.
Over the past 10 days I have written over 8000 words on two uni assignments and having to pull an allnighter on Wednesday to get the final one done and ready to hand in by 12 yesterday has left me stressed and fatigued to say the least but I think it reflected in my run today
I had a beautiful nights sleep after only 2 hours the day before and then not getting home until gone half 10 last night but as I set off on my run I just wasn't feeling it. Physically it was fine but mentally I just kept trying to find a way of cutting my run short even my hubby said that we should cut off the last 2k and head for home. But I would have felt so much worse if I hadn't completed my run and I kept telling myself that my mood would soon pick up and the endorphins would begin to tickle their way through my body and they did Around the 15 minute mark I felt a huge surge of determination and confidence sweep over me, my legs felt less heavy and I felt comfortable in my running rhythm. It was like I had an invisible person pushing and cheering me along!
I reached 5k at 30:45 which given that it was at the tail end of the school run and the fact we ran past two local primary schools isn't too bad considering the amount of parents, childminders, toddlers, dogs, pushchairs and the crazy school run drivers we had to dodge.
I am so glad I stuck with it today. 9 weeks ago I would have quit at the slightest excuse but today I am so chuffed to have the strength to tell myself 'no, you can do this and are doing this' which is such a great thing to have learned in such a short amount of time. I feel very positive now I think I might treat myself to some retail therapy as a little reward for my efforts today. He he!