After a week off to let my feet heal yesterday I sat reading most the day and felt progressively more miserable.Great book though! Today I kept looking at my kindle but didn’t want to waste another day so suggested a run, we discussed what we’d do and decided on some intervals. After our five minute walk we set of a bit faster and kept the pace up for 1k then marched the next k then ran another k not quite so fast then did a few intervals then a walk to cool down. Fastest kilometer ever, fastest overall speed for 35 minutes but best yet closest to 5k we’ve done. With the 5 minute warm up walk we are over 4.5k
The plan is the next run will be long and slow and if we don’t get bored we are going to try and do 5k and the run after will be a walk up the long hill jog along the top and jiggle down the other side
I love running and Willow is still smiling but may be dropping off to sleep 😴