Hi all, After dealing with my knee problem ...which was a ligament issue I am now battling a really chesty cough with shortness of breath. I am thinking of trying to run through it tomorrow after taking 4 days off ( last run Monday). Any advice ?I have been at week 9 now for the past 3 weeks due to knee now chest >>>>>its hard ot get going again especially with the really cold weather.
Running with a chesty cough: Hi all, After... - Couch to 5K
Running with a chesty cough

I keep starting again before fully recovering, lesson learned, I'm going to rest...
Take it steady, if you're still ill you won't be able to run like you were, even if you're fully fit, see this as a breaking it in slowly phase.

I think the usual advice is that if symptoms are above your throat (ie head cold, sore throat) then it is OK to run, but if they are below it then you should not, so frustrating as it is you probably need to rest At least if you do it is extra time for your knee to recover.
NO,NO,and NO again!!!! Never,Ever run with chest problems. They can develop into something much nastier than just a cough. Go see a Doc, get some meds if needed, but for your own safety DO NOT RUN with chest problems, however small. I am new to this programme, having just finished wk2 but I was a serious runner when I was younger, hence the desire to get back into it, I know what running with chest problems can do, believe me. It is worth having your problem looked at by a Doc, I had something similar, and when I finally went to the Doc found out that I had Sportsman Asthma, which was treatable and I never looked back! So please, don't run until you have seen a Doc. It could mean the difference between 7 days off running or a stay in Hospital !!!

Crikey! Read what you wrote! 'I am now battling a really chesty cough with shortness of breath.' Don't do it! You must rest and when your chest is completely better then you can run again. If it's not improving you must get a Doctor to listen to your chest to see if you need any treatment or investigation. I know that you want to get going but sometimes life throws things at us and we just have to replan things. You don't want to make yourself really ill just before Christmas.
Hope it all clears up soon. Best wishes.

HI all, my original question today seems stupid as my chesty cough appears to be a full blown infection and just off to chemist after a trip to docs..... I'm gutted I was one run away from graduating !!!!!
That really is tough! 1 run away! But do not despair......you'll get better and then you will eventually do it and graduate and you will really feel that you earned it because you had to really keep at it.
Glad that you got an appointment at the Quacks today. Get better soon.
Thanks flossie.... im gonna rock this by the end of the month.