There was me thinking I was just so indestructible! Decided to do some exercises and managed to get a well sore tendon near the rotator cuff in my shoulder. Started the anti inflammatory tablets and decided to go out for a run. Being the smart arse thinking I would be fine, had to stop running after 8 minutes because my shoulder was killing me and now I have a sore knee as well!!!! Its been 10 days and my shoulder feels fine and my knee is getting there but am now unsure where to start after these 2 set backs. Could really do with some advice, feeling really fed up as I'd only just completed the program.
Help Needed, from all my running buddies! - Couch to 5K
Help Needed, from all my running buddies!

no adviced but sympathy, no pain like rotator cuff is their

Oh no! Hugs coming your way!
I'm certainly no expert, but I'd say take it easy on yourself, you don't want to aggravate anything. Rest first until you are truely better, then perhaps limit the length of your runs and go slowly while you get back your strength

Do you carry anything in your hands when you run - water, phone, doggie bags? I have very bad shoulders and if I'm holding anything in my hands when I run its very painful.

Why not start with some interval runs? The Speed podcast has intervals. This will get your heat pumping but also give you a guide as to how fit you feel. If jogging between the intervals is too much, you can always flip in a couple of walks.
Thanks for your posting! That might be a really good idea because although I'm fed up I want to be getting out there soon before I have no confidence left. Thanks
Just remember what an achievement that graduate badge of yours is - you know you can do this!!! Take the first run slow, and if you find you need to walk, so what! At least you are out there. Breath deep and enjoy being outside, smile and think how much better for you even walking is compared to sitting at home on the couch - and if you have one, get along to your local parkrun. They are do supportive, you will soon be back in your stride.
Just remember what an achievement that graduate badge of yours is - you know you can do this!!! Take the first run slow, and if you find you need to walk, so what! At least you are out there. Breath deep and enjoy being outside, smile and think how much better for you even walking is compared to sitting at home on the couch - and if you have one, get along to your local parkrun. They are do supportive, you will soon be back in your stride.
Just remember what an achievement that graduate badge of yours is - you know you can do this!!! Take the first run slow, and if you find you need to walk, so what! At least you are out there. Breath deep and enjoy being outside, smile and think how much better for you even walking is compared to sitting at home on the couch - and if you have one, get along to your local parkrun. They are do supportive, you will soon be back in your stride.
Just remember what an achievement that graduate badge of yours is - you know you can do this!!! Take the first run slow, and if you find you need to walk, so what! At least you are out there. Breath deep and enjoy being outside, smile and think how much better for you even walking is compared to sitting at home on the couch - and if you have one, get along to your local parkrun. They are do supportive, you will soon be back in your stride.
Just remember what an achievement that graduate badge of yours is - you know you can do this!!! Take the first run slow, and if you find you need to walk, so what! At least you are out there. Breath deep and enjoy being outside, smile and think how much better for you even walking is compared to sitting at home on the couch - and if you have one, get along to your local parkrun. They are do supportive, you will soon be back in your stride.

I’d say be kind to yourself and heal. Why not keep doing your runs but walk them all instead - then you’re keeping active, you’re getting those white blood cells running to where they need to be, you’re outside in fresh air but you’re listening to what your body needs as well.
Walking is good.