Week 1 completed - but going to repeat it - Couch to 5K

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Week 1 completed - but going to repeat it

windywoo profile image
14 Replies

Hi :) did my third run of week 1 yesterday and although it started off really well by the time I got to the sixth one minute run I was in trouble!! I was so out of breath it was unreal and I actually had to slow down and walk - then when it came to do the seventh it was even worse - only managed about 20 seconds of running before I had to walk again - same with the eighth :( Bit disappointed with myself and, being the perfectionist that I am, I have decided to repeat week 1 again next week.

On a more positive note - I have enjoyed doing the runs and I am determined to continue - even if it does mean repeating weeks until I am 100% ready to move on to the next week!!

Hope you all have a fab weekend and enjoy the lovely weather - take care xxx.

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windywoo profile image
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14 Replies
caz1_ca profile image

Well done and don't be disappointed at least you are out there doing it. :-) Try moving on to week two you might surprise yourself. But remember it's not race you go at your own pace and what you feel comfortable with.

Best of luck with whichever run you decide to do. :-)

windywoo profile image
windywoo in reply to caz1_ca

Hiya - thanks for your kind words :)

I have thought about moving on to week 2 but think what I'll do is repeat week 1 run 1 on Monday and see how I feel and make my decision then.

Congrats on graduating by the way - well done :) xxx.

caz1_ca profile image
caz1_caGraduate in reply to windywoo

Thank you. I love my badge. :-)

danzargo profile image

DO NOT DESPAIR! Of course it's difficult especially like me if you've NEVER EVER done any exercise since school - and I'm 50! So by all means repeat the first week if you decide to do that, but if you keep with it, your body will just get used to what you're putting it through!

6 weeks ago I started this and although I found the running bloody hard, I felt BRILLIANT after it. So grit your teeth, gird your loins, stiffen your upper lip and GO FOR IT!!!!!

windywoo profile image
windywoo in reply to danzargo

Hi there :)

Yes it is difficult but i am determined to stick with it and see it all the way through!!!

Going to repeat week 1 run 1 on Monday and see how I get on - will then decide what to do.

Good luck with your runs too xxx.

MimiMia profile image

I thought every week that I have to repeat the week but I alwas tried the first run of the next week and it always went good.

Move on, you can do it!

Littlehelper profile image

hi Windywoo, Me too! Repeating week 1 I mean. I think that you should be confident about going into the next week.

I know you might be disappointed but try to think that at least you're doing it. Getting out the door is sometimes the hardest part - as well as the running bit of course [haha] :)

jillie100 profile image

The main thing is to get out and do the runs regularly. Every time you get out of breath you are increasing your condition and your recovery time improves in leaps and bounds (so I am told!). I think we all find our way through this programme with the odd repetition here or extra few days off there. You must adapt it to fit around you and what you are comfortable with. Glad you're sticking with it too!

plodalong profile image

Hi Windywoo . I always dread going on to the next week convincing myself I can't do it... my head is my worst enemy. But thanks to my partner (and Laura of course) who convinces me to at least give it a go I so far have managed to get to W6. I still plod along,get out of breathe, have the reddest face ever and hope maybe one day I will be able to run with ease. So you are not alone .Keep going and stay positive that sense of achievement as you move through the weeks will spur you on. Good luck :-) x

Hi Windywoo

There's nothing wrong in repeating any of the runs if you are more comfortable with that method. Right from the start I made a conscious decision to do each week at least twice before going on to the next. It works for me and that is the key to it - I'm doing it for me!


AnnieW55 profile image

Don't forget the mantra - go slow and steady. It is possible to jog more slowly than you walk and in the beginning is usually the way to go. Don't start off each section too quickly, you can always speed up later. It does take our bodies a while to get used to doing this, especially if you've not done much/any exercise in a while.

As we're all doing it for 'us' and it's not a race repeat all you want to.

Aimelak profile image

Hi, I have finally completed week 1 after three times, as not managed to do three runs in one week the previously.

I am going to repeat week 1 until I can manage to successfully complete all run times. I haven’t exercised for years and over weight so know this will be more then the weeks plan. Just keep going and don’t give up everyone is different and you will get there.

sTrongFuse profile image

Well done. You don't need to redo the whole week, but if you haven't run the full 8 minutes, you should really repeat that run before moving on.

If you're struggling in the final reps, it probably means you're actually going too fast in the running sections so slow right down, and then slow down some more. Going too fast is a basic rookie error that almost all of us (myself included) make. The first few weeks are all about learning a new skill. The pace will build as you get stronger and more accustomed to running but at this stage, it's all about the running time, not the speed or distance.

Also, don't get hung up on the whole "week" thing. In the C25K universe, a week is not strictly 7 days, it's just a handy shortcut for the time it takes you to successfully complete each set of three runs. It doesn't even need to be three consecutive runs, if it takes 5 attempts to complete 3 fully, ten you've done the three you need to move on to the next set.

This is the plan where snails and tortoises have their moment in the spotlight. Embrace the slowness.

Good luck.

IamNew profile image

Hi there, I've just started too and I'm making the most of being on Wk 1 for a while - 3 weeks in fact! I didn't feel quite ready to move on to Wk2, so just to get my body accustomed to exercise again (I'm now 60), I stuck with Wk1. I stick to the same route through the park which really helps me gauge when I'm about to start trying to run again. Even after doing the Wk1 runs 7 times now, I feel my body is only now getting used to this new shock to its muscles. I'm going to do Wk1 one more time then I think my body will be OK to start tackling Wk2. I don't see any harm in doing the whole thing slowly and at a pace you feel your body is comfortable with. No-one is judging you. Plus it's a nice and safe thing to do outdoors on your own whilst Lockdown lasts. A friend who did the C25K told me the most important thing he learned was to do it slowly - he ended up injuring himself by trying to achieve too much too quickly. Good luck and please know there is someone else out there - me - who is taking it as steadily as you!

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