Up and out early this morning for week 5 run 2. I did week 5 run 1 on Tuesday, i don't want to say it was easy because it never is 'easy' but i didn't find it too difficult. Today's run though was harder. I started slow and steady on the first run and felt great, I could of carried on after the 8 minutes was up. The second run was hard. the first 4 minutes of it were comfortable, but the second half wasn't as much. i finished though - kept up the slow pace and pushed through the aches in my lower legs. I am very proud of myself i don't know if I am dreading the 20 minute run on Saturday or looking forward to it. I'm hoping it will be easier, as i find it hard to get going again after the walking intervals now! who would of thought it?! 1 week ago i was begging for the walking bits to hurry up!
happy running everyone!
week 5 run 2: Up and out early this morning for... - Couch to 5K
week 5 run 2

Fabulous! I needed the walks in the first few weeks to get my breath, but once my lungs got fitter (one isn't so obviously aware that they get fitter too), I too was keen to get on with the running without breaks. You'll soon be able to settle into your own pace and run continuously every time .... Keep up the good work, enjoy it all. Off for my run now. Linda
thank you i needed the walks too - desperately lol! im trying to focus on breathing at the moment, the pushing your belly out whilst breathing in. its strange having to retrain breathing techniques, its strange to think about breathing all together actually! i think once i master that, then i'm onto a winner. its a good distraction now though - if im thinking about breathing, im not thinking about giving up. hope your run went well.

Excellent. I too did week 5 run 2 this morning. Was not looking forward to this one as i've got a slight cold but it was great. The first 8 minute run was fine and I actually managed to pick up the pace a little bit towards the end of the second 8 minutes, I couldn't believe it Third run coming up on saturday morning, going to treat myself and do this one on the beach. I'm amazed that I've got to the point where I'm going to run contiuously for 20 mins, never really thought I would get to this.
well done! i long to be near the sea. i grew up in a seaside town then moved to a city so i miss it dearly. would love to run along the promenade, with the sea breeze. i think i might have to have a drive out and do that one later on in the program
i know what you mean with never imagining you could run for 20 minutes - i feel the same. i struggled with running for 60 seconds in the first week. i cant believe the progress in such little time. good luck for saturday, i will be doing mine saturday too

Good luck for Saturday, hope it goes well for you. I'm actually looking forward to it, sort of