N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC): This page goes into... - COPD Friends

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N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

Altamisal profile image
15 Replies

This page goes into how NAC can be a game-changer for those with COPD.


I just started it myself and I feel it is making a difference. Hoping to see still more improvement as I continue. I take it along with vitamin C and MSM. All three boost glutathione, the body's master antioxidant. People with COPD have a lot of oxidative stress and are glutathione deficient.

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Altamisal profile image
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15 Replies
Ldycatcoach profile image

My pulmonologist has had me on 1000 mg a day for almost three years. It definitely helped to stabilize my lung function for a couple of years and reduced the mucus and cough.

Altamisal profile image
Altamisal in reply to Ldycatcoach

Thanks for sharing. I'm a little confused. It worked for a couple of years? Sounds like you stopped taking it--if it was working, why stop?

Ldycatcoach profile image
Ldycatcoach in reply to Altamisal

No, I'm still taking it, but I've had a rapid loss of lung function in the last six months (bronchiolitis obliterans) and I am now actively awaiting a double lung transplant. I've continued with the NAC through all of the pneumothorax episodes and pneumonia. Without it, I'm not sure I would still be here. Absolutely no coughing or mucus today, just low lung function. Merry Christmas and may God bless you in the coming year.

Altamisal profile image
Altamisal in reply to Ldycatcoach

I'm sorry about your low lung function but glad NAC has been helpful with the coughing/mucus. I found a page at Earth Clinic about your condition, if you want to check it out.


High dose vitamin C could be very helpful as well. It has been called "the primal panacea." youtube.com/watch?v=9SN_6PL...

Do you eat ice cream? I was reading about how ice cream containing artificial flavors can cause a lot of sinus and lung issues.


"Over the last several years, California health officials have been tracking a handful of workers in flavoring factories who have been incapacitated with a rare, life-threatening lung condition 'bronchiolitis obliterans' for which there is no cure or treatment. Usually found only in people who are poisoned by chemical fires or chemical warfare or in lung transplant patients, bronchiolitis obliterans renders its victims unable to exert even a little energy without becoming winded or faint."

"The airways to the lung have been eaten up," said Barbara Materna, the chief of the occupational health branch in the California Department of Health Services. "They can't work anymore, and they can't walk a short distance without severe shortness of breath."

Seven flavoring-factory workers in California are known to have the disease or similarly serious lung damage, and 22 others have had lung tests come back with abnormal results..."

I rarely eat ice cream myself and when I do, I look for organic brands like Three Twins.

Holiday/Healing Blessings to you.

Sandra1944 profile image
Sandra1944 in reply to Ldycatcoach

WHAT IS NAC? Everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Sandra1944 profile image


Altamisal profile image
Altamisal in reply to Sandra1944

Here's the link again that I included in my first post. Also a quote.


"With its ability to reduce oxidative stress and simultaneously quash chronic inflammatory changes, NAC is emerging as a game-changing therapy in COPD. A randomized pilot study of adults with acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and positive bacterial culture in the sputum demonstrated that 600 mg of NAC twice daily led to a near doubling of the rate of bacterial eradication compared with standard therapy, while reducing the number and duration of acute exacerbations and improving quality of life.35 NAC treatment of patients with moderate-to-severe COPD improved their physical performance on lung function tests, especially after exercise.37"

Only started taking it recently and I can feel it is helping with the coughing and congestion. Finally something that works! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

GINFAULK profile image

Where do you get NAC ???

Altamisal profile image

I got mine in bulk from BulkSupplements, at Amazon. amazon.com/BulkSupplements-...

There are many other brands. Should be available in health food/supplement stores.

Ray001 profile image

Great Stuff. I have been on NAC 600 2 daily 1 am 1 pm and it has just about stopped the exacerbation's. Been on for about 4 months. I have COPD 4 th stage.

Altamisal profile image
Altamisal in reply to Ray001

Awesome, thanks for sharing!

Mimibx3 profile image

Hi I ordered NAC from amazon and my reflux got worse so I stopped. Has anyone had that issue with NAC?

Altamisal profile image

It can get worse in the beginning, it is detox symptom. I'd keep going.

Here is a testimonial at Earth Clinic.

Posted by Ginta (Phoenix, Arizona, Usa) on 11/29/2012

5 out of 5 stars

I am 63 and have severe COPD from smoking since I was about 16. I've had chronic bronchitis for a number of years and recently found some articles on using N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) for clearing phlem, so I bought some from a local health food store. I've been taking 1200mg/day and am amazed at the results - after just one day I was coughing up a lot, but the phlem was foamy rather than thick and sticky. It's been over a week now that I've been taking the NAC and my coughing has lessened significantly. I am now also taking serrapeptase and niacin.

I was recently given a nebulizer machine by someone who's friend passed away from his COPD (he was 81 and had three nasty bouts of pneumonia) and have ordered some hoses/mouthpieces and some liquid DMSO, MSM and colloidal silver to try Ted's DMSO treatments to further help clear my lungs. I'll post an update after a few weeks.

Newfie1 profile image

I just joined this site a month ago, after a bout of pneumonia for which I was hospitalised. Came by my lung condition through a mysteriously acquired case of TB. Went through a yearcof monitored atibiotics and quarantine. Then I resumed life, just slower, but have avoided all reccomended meds, such as inhalers steroids, crap ect. Now that they've named it, the dreaded COPD, I have been throwing every natual remedy that I can find at it. I am quite frankly doing very well. I just started the NAC, also take medicinal mushrooms, sski, ginger, tumeric onion, honey, raw garlic, magnesium,, omega 3s and have increased my vitamin A foods. Do you also self medicate naturally? I refuse to let this be a death sentance.

phoenix23002 profile image
phoenix23002 in reply to Newfie1

Hi... it's great that you are able to tackle this monster naturally. What is your dose of SSKI and how do you take it... in water? Thanks.

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