Hi friends!
Update on my purchase and use of NAC. ( I have to put this here: I am NOT giving ANY medical advice on this product, (only my personal opinion, and experience).... nor am I a medical Dr., you should ask your Dr. about this product, before taking it).
Personally, I can't say enough good things about this supplement. I have not had a huge problem with mucous, however, what l I do have, comes up, and out... SO much easier now. It is thinner...not the usual thick gunk.
I hate the word snot, but guess that's kinda' sorta' what it is...or fairly close. ??? (had to smile just now). I'm a tad bit crazy sometimes, but it helps to be a little nutty when you have copd. I call it "crap on Phyllis day.' (everyday). Funny...yet not.
Anyway, if you haven't tried it, ask your Dr. It just might help you all. I can't believe the difference. I no longer have to hack and hack to get the stuff out, I just kind of do a couple of little coughs....(.barely), and out it comes. It's more of a watery consistency now...with a slightly salty taste.....definitely not thick or gross tasting. I'm serious! This stuff is amazing.
Okay....and so.... alrighty then. So much for the snot topic. lol
Just passing on what I've noticed myself, and the good benefits that I see from it. I do believe it may keep me out of the hospital if I take it on a daily basis. I intend to do just that. I only take one 600 mg capsule daily. I purchased mine on Amazon.com for a very reasonable price. I'd pay more if I had to. It's worth a try my friends!!
Big hugs from me to all of you. May the heavens' bless us beyond measure, and may the icy cold wind, always, be at out backs. (My favorite Indian quote).