Had 2 stents placed 2 months ago. Still having pain in left side my heart doctor is one of the best in the world and said it was normal.still weak,shortness of breath,have COPD is this normal? burtongary67@yahoo.com.thanks.
Scared: Had 2 stents placed 2 months ago... - Cholesterol Support

Hi garybu, I has an angioplasty with stent in April. It can take quite some time to recover. I had sharp pains in my chest for quite a number of weeks after my stent was put in. Shortness of breath took even longer to improve and it has not gone completely. Have you been given any new drugs around the time of your angioplasty? I was put on Bisoprolol. It can cause fatigue and weakness as it slows the heart rate. Statins can also cause fatigue along with numerous other side effects including muscle pain , as you will read often on this site. You mention having COPD. Is your breathlessness different to what you normally experience with this?
Please be assured this is all normal. If you have any concerns talk to your GP or BHF to allay your fears.
You don't mention if you had a heart attack? I he'd 3 stents 7 months ago and still have some chest pain to the left of breast bone. Just had investigative catheterization and they found nothing wrong. It could be al kinds of things apart from your heart. Oh anD what is COPD? I have no idea!