30 min treadmill: Hiya, Saturday I had run my... - Bridge to 10K

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30 min treadmill

9 Replies


Saturday I had run my first 30 minutes in my 'back to running plan' after not having run for 3 weeks. Yesterday (Monday) I participated in a free class of Tai Chi in a local park (which is happening now every Monday during July and August), so today I 'had' to do another run.

Weather looked bad, loads of wind (I am scared of wind since our previous caravan was ruined in a storm 2007) and a blackish sky. So I chose for the treadmill. Could not even open the window due to the wind.

I was not really in the mood for running, but started anyway. 5 minutes warm-up walking, to jump into 30 minutes of running (Jeffing it 4:30 / 0:30). Put on Coach Bennett on NRC for a 30 minute guided run. I have to admit, I like the chattering of Coach Bennett.

The first 5 minutes of running seemed as if my legs were sleeping. At 10 minutes I really felt like stopping, it was just not feeling right. Maybe the treadmill was not a good idea for a second run. The urge to stop was even harder 15 minutes in, but I persisted.

The last 10 minutes were better, I felt tired, but I also felt an urge to finish this run. And so I reached 30 minutes, adding another 5 minutes for a cooling down walk.

Even though I really do dislike running on the treadmill, I am happy I ran and that I did not have to fear for falling branches. Next run is (hopefully) Friday as I have an appointment on Thursday.

Cheers, Evy

9 Replies
Grannyhugs profile image

Well done persevering on the treadmill for your full 30 minutes run. I hope the weather settles down again for you soon. Happy running 🤗

in reply to Grannyhugs

Thanks! It is obvious though I have to regain some fitness. Time and practise...

Oh well done for sticking at it for the whole run. It sounds like you resisted the temptation to stop with real determination. Hopefully the weather will improve soon and you can return to running outdoors 😊.

in reply to

It's really weird weather here. Either too hot or too rainy + windy. I am lucky to have a treadmill even if I dislike using it. But it's a savior when weather is bad. And yeah, I do feel a bit proud for having pushed through my wish to stop 😊

in reply to

Our weather is weird too! So much rain for down here in the South and it’s so humid and feels damp. We had a flood warning for the river this week! It’s July for goodness sake! I’m a northerner, so completely used to the rain, but this is ridiculous. I could seriously do with some sunshine now ☀️ 🙏🏼.

You are lucky to have the treadmill, though I don’t mind running in the rain. Happy running, wherever you do it! 😊

CBDB profile image

Tai Chi! Nice! (I can say that now having explored it in a mini-daily tai chi challenge on these forums earlier this year healthunlocked.com/strength... )

Well done for running! Enjoy your treadmill! I fear I cannot get used to Coach Bennett. I want more Coach Cory, but those are far and few between! 😤

in reply to CBDB

I joined in the 5 days of mini Tai Chi with you guys earlier this year. I liked it a lot, but it is not so handy to do it in the little room where my laptop is installed. I followed a Tai Chi class many years ago, but I had to go there on my own and the route there was kinda creepy. So I stopped after that 1 class, but I liked it a lot. This class in the park was different though, going very slow. I mean she kept practicing 1 movement for like 10 minutes before going over to another movement. Which is a bit slow for me, but ok it's free and I am doing something. It is a pity though that there are no Tai Chi classes in my neighborhood. I already have to drive to another town for it, plus there are no parking spots there. So I would have to park a long way from it and then walk through a darkish neighborhood again, so not an option in my opinion. Too bad...

I have not tried Coach Cory yet, I don't dare switch to another. I am so used to Coach Bennett's nattering I am 'scared' I would not like the chatter of someone else and be stuck with it for a whole run 😂

Instructor57 profile image

Just seen your post after you replied to mine , and yes, it's a struggle sometimes ! You did well to get the 30 minutes in after 3 weeks off so well done you ! 👍👏👏👏

Ooh Tai Chi in the park sounds good and reminded me of one of my trips to China watching then doing Tai Chi n the park 😁

in reply to Instructor57

I do am proud of myself for pushing through with my run. Fingers crossed for tomorrow (Friday)!

I will have to skip the 2 last Tai Chi classes in August though, being on holiday then. And I missed the first (didn't know it started a week earlier). But at least I'll be able to do 6 classes in total.

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