Running and the Menopause.....😳😳😳 - Bridge to 10K

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Running and the Menopause.....😳😳😳

Ang33333 profile image
38 Replies

Looking for any advice...I'm 52. I've been having symptoms of the Menopause for over 10 years after my hysterectomy. Mainly flushing at night but not all the time. This last month though every day is constant flushes and sweats and I don't sleep well. It's not affected my running though until yesterday...

I had a dreadful parkrun. Had hardy slept for 2 nights so thought I'd just go slow and get round. No PB attempts...

Our course is 2 laps. Lap one was ok, hot day but not unbearable. Then as lap 2 started I just hit a wall.. achy arms, couldn't breathe, so so hot! I ended up walking most of the second lap. I'm putting it down to lack of sleep. Walking was fine and I'm not unwell. I was well hydrated and had eaten my lovely porridge.

Any advice? Anyone going through a similar thing?? Am almost scared to run now. 😳😳

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Ang33333 profile image
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38 Replies
Deals1 profile image

Sorry don't have any tips or advice... But I do know how u feel at times. 😢 Duvet off... Duvet on.... Duvet off... Duvet on.... Repeat.... Repeat...

I'd just put it down to a one of those runs and carry on. Don't want to say bad run as no run is a bad run really! 😂

Keep us posted.

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to Deals1

Thanks. It's very annoying!

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Graduate10 in reply to Ang33333

Aye it is.

Wimborne profile image
Wimborne in reply to Deals1

Duvet dancing is just the pits....🙁

Jell6 profile image

Well I can recommend HRT, but that is something that needs, facts, careful consideration, pragmatism and a good GP.

Exercise is meant to be beneficial, but never sleeping well is some sort of fresh hell🥵🥵🤯

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to Jell6

I'm going to talk to my gp. I'm a light sleeper anyway but this is dreadful!

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate10 in reply to Ang33333

If I hadn't , I think I would have had to give up work.

For me the benefits outweigh the risk, which I think are far less than they used to be reported as.

Clinical trials seem to indicate this.

Do your own reading.

Make an appointment.

Good luck 🤗

Rubinstar profile image
RubinstarGraduate10 in reply to Jell6

I’m with you, if I haven’t gone on hrt, I’d have had to change my job, I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore!

HRT helped many of the symptoms I was getting.

Ang, I was really hot on my run yesterday, it becomes unbearable and it does make me feel a bit ill. I have the same issue riding my horse, I heat up and stay hot, it’s most unpleasant!

I think now it’s something I have to try and work with, breaks to cool down and I avoid heat if I can...

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to Rubinstar

Thanks. Am doing a lot of research. I've had cancer so tend to avoid medication after all the chemicals I had in me...but I need to sleep! And run!!

Rubinstar profile image
RubinstarGraduate10 in reply to Ang33333

I’m amazed at how low my energy level can be since the menopause malarkey started.

After yesterday’s 10K, I’ve spent all day yawning and feeling generally exhausted. Legs know they’ve worked harder than normal which is ok, but the overall tiredness really annoys me. I know it’s not the same for all women, but I do sometimes feel like somethings wrong and have to remind myself it’s probably ok, just the menopause!

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to Rubinstar

I look so tired. I actually slept more last night, in between many flushes. I think I was just exhausted! Thin duvet on bed tonight, maybe that will help....!

Julia187 profile image

I started on HRT 2 weeks ago, although early days I’m starting to see some small improvements. Thought about it a lot prior to starting it, spoke to 3 different doctors, a few friends and then decided to start. I ditched my duvet and that’s helped no end, I have a sheet, cotton blanket plus a throw so I can remove layers. It’s miserable, the lack of sleep was my main issue due to night sweats, I’m taking Nytol just until it properly kicks in, not ideal but I need to be able to function at work.

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to Julia187

I'm going to buy a very thin duvet! Thanks for the info, I won't take it without a lot of thought.

Julia187 profile image
Julia187Graduate10 in reply to Ang33333

I got very conflicting advice from the doctors, first (GP in his late 50’s) told me there was a significant risk to HRT, second (doctor I saw privately through a work health assessment in her mid 30’s) said the risk isn’t significant and if she had all my symptoms she’d be on it, third (a GP specialising in women’s health probably late 30’s) said she wanted me to be in control of it, agreed with what the second doctor had told me and gave me the choice of what type of take!

Deals1 profile image

I've heard good reports about black kosh??? 🤔

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to Deals1

?? Google..!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Ang33333

Black cohosh. But, as I understand it, there isn't much evidence that it does anything!

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to roseabi

I've got some. Worth a try!

misswobble profile image

I had terrible night sweats where I’d be hanging half out the Velux every night 🙄😤

I stopped drinking alcohol and I was cured 😁.


BaddieThePirate profile image

Can't help with useful facts, just lots of sympathy. Next step doctors appointment?

AllyS profile image

Oh Ang I feel you pain 😩. I’ve been going through it myself for approx 12 years and I’m only now seeing improvements. I was soooo miserable with it - mood swings, lethargy, drenched in sweat etc. I did try HRT which I’d put off for so long due to alleged risks but it helped without a doubt! GP only allowed me to stay on it for 3 years due to my family history with breast cancer. I thought I’d go straight back to the way I was but I didn’t and taking up running last year has made me feel so much better about myself too. Def speak to your GP, get a new thinner duvet and keep your bedroom well ventilated. Also plenty of R & R and being kind to yourself! 🤗

Ang33333 profile image

I've just ordered a summer duvet. I really don't want to stop running so have decided slow and steady only through the summer. Parkrun will be a crawl! I'm going to talk to the doc this week.

grumpyoldgirl profile image

Just lately there seems to be a push to advise women to consider hrt, because medics are so worried by the huge drop in people taking it up. They have realised that the over dramatic safety warnings have scared people away unnecessarily. I've seen doctors giving interviews all over the TV. It's got to be worth looking into. My sister swears by black cohosh. I'm not allowed hrt, but my symptoms have mostly subsided apart from the flipping insomnia now and then. Alcohol definitely makes it worse. No caffeine after about 2pm. And if I'm too tired to run I don't run. Be kind to yourself! Thankfully I've retired so don't have to worry about work. But I reach for the herbal sleeping tablet when I'm desperate 😴

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to grumpyoldgirl

I'm going to talk to the doc. Appointment in July.... first I could get.

Am hoping for a cancellation. I wasn't allowed it after my hysterectomy but maybe now they will think it's ok. Will have to slow down on runs and avoid the heat til then!

grumpyoldgirl profile image
grumpyoldgirl in reply to Ang33333

July! Honestly, I despair. Although, last month I tried to make an appointment, I was told that none were available. At all, unless emergency. Got my name down for a different practice now 🙄

grumpyoldgirl profile image
grumpyoldgirl in reply to grumpyoldgirl

Oh and good luck, I hope you get somewhere this time 😊

Crittermad profile image

I was googling the same thing at the weekend, as my run Sunday was ok first km, then my legs were dead!

I’m waking up sweating every hour or more and one thing I thought about was dehydration- as presumably you lose a lot of fluids and my run was after just a small glass of water. Google suggested that people who had upped their water intake had reduced numbers of flushes.

I also bought a cool towel last year on someone on here’s recommendation - I use that on the treadmill and did use it outside in last years heat - that helps (even wore it to bed one night! 🙄)

Hopefully this running is all helping my bones/muscles to hang around a bit longer!

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to Crittermad

I love my cool towel. I have three! And yes I think I'm dehydrating at night despite what I've drunk the day before. I drank a lot more the last two days. Just ran a brisk 4k and was fine. It's cool though. I have a feeling I won't be running if it's too warm!

amanda2463 profile image

HRT it can take a while to get the right dose but when it works it really helps good luck x

bluesdancer profile image

Not going through the menopause myself but we’ve moved to a wool duvet and mattress topper which is great for temperature control. I wouldn’t have any other sort now though they are on the pricier end.

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to bluesdancer

Will have a look. Would try anything right now!

Bridget007 profile image

I had a hysterectomy last year and went straight onto HRT patches. My surgeon was a lovely lady and said don’t believe all the bad things you read about HRT because they have changed their minds about most of them. She then said stay on HRT as long as you can because it keeps you young and patted her own leg ... so I though if it’s good enough for you I’m taking it! I hope you can get your symptoms sorted xx

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to Bridget007

I have a doctors appointment and I'm definitely not ruling it out. Was told I was too young for HRT when I had my op!

Bridget007 profile image
Bridget007 in reply to Ang33333

Sounds like they do change their minds all the time I know at least 5 ladies who are recently on HRT and they’re all early forties!

Saartjie profile image

If you want a more natural remedy my friend has been taking sage tablets. Says they work. I have just started with the night sweats but not so bad yet. Seems to come and go!

Dralimc profile image

Just seen this. I bought some ‘cool and comfortable ‘ sheets and pillow cases from M&S. they’ve been a life saver from night sweats. They literally stay cool, and if you are hot roll over and the sheet is cold. Seriously try them. X

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333 in reply to Dralimc

I'm trying everything at the moment! It's just horrible!

Dralimc profile image
Dralimc in reply to Ang33333

It is. Try the one sheet and pillow case. Worth a punt for @£30. I’m sleeping for the first time in months x

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