I have osteoporosis and don't want to take medication and want to go the natural route to stop bone loss/ possibly increase it slightly.
I am trying to sort out what supplements to take, and am getting confused. A definite bit of advice coming through it to take organic calcium, eg Algecal. This seems to be pretty expensive. So, first question is:
Are there any less expensive, but effective, organic calcium supplement ?
Other supplements. I also read a lot of other minerals and vitamins recommended:
Magnesium, Zinc, Boron, Copper, Manganese, Silicon, Vit D, Vit K2, B vitamins, Vit C, Omega 3 fish oils, Co Q10, (Uniquinol).
I already take a multivamin which gives some coverage but still looks a lot of other tabs to be taken. Second question:
Are there any multi tabs which cover a lot of the above mineral and vitamins ?
Many thanks for reading this