Two years ago I fell and fractured my wrist. A follow up dexa scan revealed osteoporosis. I was automatically prescribed Alendronic Acid which I fortunately refused as my astute GP noticed a high level of calcium on my bloods (it would have actually been damaging to my bones) and referred me to en endocrinologist. My parathyroid gland was eventually diagnosed as diseased and I subsequently had a successful parathyroidectomy. I was booked in to have a zolendronate infusion earlier this year but fortunately became aware of some possibly irreversible side effects (thanks to this excellent forum) and this is presently on hold. I try to keep up the level of calcium in my diet and take calcium citrate (500mg), vitamin D3, vitamin k2-7, zinc and magnesium and am researching strontium as well. My problem is that I have a kidney pain under my ribs and in my back which is related to the intake of calcium. If I stop it the pain eases. Is this an indication that I am getting sufficient? I also take 15mg of lansoprazole (PPI) and am only too aware of the damage that does to my bones.
Any advice would be most welcome. Thank you.