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British Heart Foundation

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All posts for April 2021

Feeling of complete exhaustion.

Had a HA May 2020, and had stent fitted. This Feb I had a very bad angina atta...

Drug coated balloon

Hi folks, hoping your all well. I had drug coated balloon inserted today, Im not...
Page12 profile image

Spikes in Blood pressure

As anyone suffered very high spikes in blood pressure. I can go days with very g...
kalgs profile image
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Wondering what I can do whilst awaiting tests/diagnosis. I'm only 28 and so anxious.

It's been almost 5 months since my first random episode. My breathing felt tight...

Dapagliflozin Week 1

Thought it might help if I logged my experience with Dapagliflozin for heart fai...
Curryandchips profile image

Echo done and all good!

Well I've had my echo and although she pressed rather hard on my ribs it was all...
CC62 profile image

Dealing with breathlessness and heart rate: emotional and physical impact. How to cope?

My question today is how did any of you deal with breathlessness and rapid incre...
Hidden profile image

First pacemaker check

I had a pacemaker fitted in November 2020 for third degree heart block. At my fi...
Arrowe profile image

Stent Life expectancy

hi ive been panicking lately.. had one stent 2 yrs ago.. whats the average life ...

Hi, has anyone suffered awful withdrawal symptoms when stopping 1.25mg bisoprolol for 5 days prior to EP study?

Bidoprolol withdrawal. EP study
kizzie105 profile image

Only one plaque in a whole life ?

Is possible someone has just one plaque and do not have any other during the who...

Has anyone else been started on Lengout?

My cardiologist has added this to my already extensive list of medications, it w...
MONIREN profile image

Meaning of Echo results

I had mitral valve replaced in November and tricuspid valve repaired and I have ...
Teal61 profile image

'Good' angina?

I struggled with what to put as the title for this! I was just curious, I know ...
CC62 profile image

Tests before or after seeing a cardiologist?

I'm just curious as to how many people see a cardiologist before having any test...
CC62 profile image

Angina question

Can someone with angina run 3.2km in 20 minutes easily?
redshock11 profile image

Echo tomorrow

So I am finally getting my echo tomorrow (still no idea about the angio) and won...
CC62 profile image

Titrations meds

If your bloods, your heart rate , blood pressure and all other values are ok, wh...
Fynndog profile image


Hi i am on the highest dose of entresto 91/103mg not had any issues with it been...
Garry56 profile image

Cardioversion questions

Has anyone out there had a cardioversion that has got their heart back into corr...
Summerlily profile image

Icd implant

Hi all hope all is well im new here and i have had quadruple heart surgery lord ...
Garry56 profile image

Lose weight and cholesterol

I want to reduce cholesterol and lose weight. Is there any help for that ، pleas...
Morid profile image

What's wrong with my head and nose?

When I wake up every morning now, I have a headache and it can last all day but ...
Lonely3190 profile image

Apixoban and Atorvastatin together

I am taking Aopixoban and have been put on Atorvastatin I have read there are co...
foxglove1 profile image

Heart Failure

Hi all. Had a Triple CABG & Mitral Valve Repair 2019. Still have slight leak in ...

Unstable Angina

Had a HA last October small artery to left of heart towards back of heart has na...
Garto1 profile image

Post Heart stent back pain

Hi. I was in an acute coronary unit for a week that culminated in angioplasty an...
RATP profile image

So I can’t even stand up now

My heart rate was just 140bpm from just rolling over in bed and standing up. By ...
Hidden profile image

Returning to work after surgery

Was wondering how long people took to return to work after having stents fitted ...

Can I contact them?

Just a quick question. I had my first appointment with my cardiologist on Thursd...
Hidden profile image