Pins and needles or numbness in hands on P... - Anxiety Support

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Pins and needles or numbness in hands on Propranolol.

tamib profile image
10 Replies

Hi - I'm taking propranolol for my anxiety (as well as for my migraine headaches and high blood pressure - maybe linked to my anxiety?) and have started to have pins and needles and numbness in my hands and arms. These are listed as possible side effects to the drug, but when I phoned my doctor he said he can't give me anything else since the only other drugs are addictive, and that I should manage my anxiety in other ways. He also told me off for missing a therapist appointment, but I don't find the therapist here helpful - she's always looking at her watch or just saying uh-huh.

Does anyone else have this problem? I know the pins and needles, and some of the other pain that I experience, are also symptoms of anxiety - does anyone have any tips on HOW I can manage the anxiety without the drugs? The doctor didn't give me any advice on that!



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10 Replies


I'm not familier with those tablets so cant comment on its side effects.

But it is possible to manage anxiety, I think the first place would be CBT which will explain whats going on, and should tell you exactly how to deal with it, whilst in anxiety state.

It takes some practice, but in the long run it is worth it, aas it free's you up to get on with your life.

It will also reduce your blood presure if its due to anxiety too.


Exercise, within your abilities regularly

loose weight

No alchohol

Cut down on caffiene, sugar salt

Lots of fresh veg and fruit

No smoking or cut down ( my biggest problem )

Not much fun that bit :-)

wish you luck



tamib profile image

Thanks for your advice - I am going to try giving the CBT another go....maybe there's someone else that I can see instead of the previous one, who showed very little interest.

I have started going to the gym, and am working on my weight even though it seems really hard at the moment because I am a comfort eater. I don't drink or smoke (very often, lol) but cutting down on caffeine is going to be really, really hard!!!!

Hope you're doing ok this week as well! Even though I haven't ever posted before, I do keep up with the posts :)

in reply to tamib

Hi tamib,

Yes, these therapists come in good and not so good, they should know how to sort this all out though, so persevere, I'm going to start CBT again, the therapist seems cocky, which I dont like, but says it how it is which I like, so i'll take the good with the bad and hopefully get some more answers.

The gym sounds positive,I'm doing walking alot these days, for my high blood pressure, and trying to smile alot :-)

I'm a comfort eater too, I do like my chocolate :-) and a cup of defaf coffee with soya.

Thanks, yes I'm doing ok#wishing you well



Elly67 profile image

Hi Tamib

I am day 8 of taking propranolol..I have found it very hard dealing with the side effects of the the point that i had such a big panic attack this morning that I just cried and cried. They have made me feel sick and lightheaded and out of breath..this in turn has made me have irrational thoughts that I am dying (which is mymain fear and trigger to panics). So feels like I am in a vicious cycle.

I rang up my doctor and he has just phoned me back. He has said that these are all typical side effects of the meds getting into my system..he has asked me to persevere but has cut the dosage back to 20mg 3x a day..I had gone up to 30mg x3 and then settling on 40mg x3.

I am going to do this and see what happens. I was also feeling numbness in my arms and legs ( all side effects until its in your system properly). I would say if you are concerned give your docs a ring.

hugs..Elly xx

FIXMEPLZZZZZ profile image
FIXMEPLZZZZZ in reply to Elly67

My doctor put me on 20mg twice daily. The first 2 days I took just 20mg x 1 in the mornings which the medicine is wonderfull and helps with anxiety and panic attacks. Now 3rd day I tried taking the 20mg x2 a day and I have the pins and needles in my hands also. It's most likely just a side effect. Hood thing I didn't listen to the doctor and take my clinodine, seroquel, and methadone on top it. The clinodine would have been horrible. Thought I would like to hear a update on your experience.

tamib profile image

Thanks Elly - I have been taking this for nearly a year now - docs no help as they just say 'it's side effects, if you don't like them stop taking the tablets' - I am also triggered by thoughts of being ill and dying. I am on 40mg x1, but have been told I could go up to x3 a day. I have been thinking of going up one dose to see if the problem is from the meds or the anxiety, but really scared of making things worse!

Elly67 profile image

You know...I hate unhelpful doctors..they have no idea of the trauma that we go through day by day..and some make such flippant comments. I once said to a doctor..I have this irrational fear of fainting or worst case senario dying in public and this triggers my panic return she said...well whats the problem?? will be dead anyway so you wont know about it. Needless to say i never went back to her. My new doctor seems to be more understanding. (so far). I couldnt say go up a dose..i would check first with a professional.

robparr profile image

My doctor has put me on proprananolol 40mg 3x daily. I can't say I've experianced any side affects but I stopped taking them 3x a day and started taking 1 when I feel my anxiety coming on, I told my doctor I was using them in this way and he was quite happy for me to carry on, taking propran does'nt stop my anxiety but it helps me to calm myself down when I start pannicking. Maybe you should try this, ofcourse consult your doctor first, but maybe taking your propran this way it might stop the numbness ect.

tamib profile image

Thanks Rob - I may give this a try, since my doc has said I can take between 1-3 per day, and I'm currently just taking one.

CrazyLadie90 profile image

I'm having the same issue. My right hand is numb as we speak. Still not stopping me typing lol! I find mindfulness can be really helpful. Sadly haven't been in. While and have been a stressed wreck. Eating healthy. Excercise even multivitamins can all help which others mentioned! Not nice docs who don't understand or undermine thoughts. It's not helpful and shouldn't be docs in the first place if they have no empathy or love for the job. I wish the pins and needles would go away. But without taking them the panic attacks get too much

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