I stayed out till 12.30........an improvem... - Anxiety Support

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I stayed out till 12.30........an improvement....

9 Replies

Well as some of you know last time I went out I came home at 10.30 in tears,,,,, So last night was an improvement coming home at 12.30... although I didnt drink which was a good idea....

I did however still really start to miss my ex and It took evry ounce of strength not to text.... but I didnt....

but I got a text from him at 9.45 this morning......... saying he misses me and wishes I could be up there....

So I have had to be the strong one again and say ...... I miss you too and still love you but I cant cope with your mother and you have chose to live your life with her,,,,,, If I did give in and come up I wouldnt want your mother near me and we both know you wouldnt have that.....

Strangely enough I have no reply from that............

So I carry on feeling like shit but knowing deep down that I have done the right thing and hopefully soon I wont miss him quite as much...........



9 Replies

Could you not just meet up with him, WITHOUT HIS MOTHER :-) and go somewhere neutral, and just enjoy the day.

It looks like you could loose him totally...........and thats what his mum wants. So step back, ask yourself what you could put up with, and make the most out of the situation.

Its clear he will stay with his mum, but I'm sure he gets bored with just her. I would not say anything negative about his mum, even when he goes on about her, let it be,let him wallow in that sh.....t.

So you get the fun days out without having to make his tea, do his washing....haha. Sounds like a good plan.

All the bonuses without the grind.

It will take some work, releasing the control, and living by yourself, but its doable hopefully.

I do wish you well

Happiness in any form is a rare gift.



Well the prob is he lives 100 miles up north to me so if I go, I stay for the weekend........... difficult to just have the day...........

I did try doing this before I finally ended it,,,,,, but its hard when someone constantly interferes........ and he lets them............

I will lose him totally and I know that, but im not prepared to be second best to an interfering old witch of a mother,,,,, you wouldnt believe what she has done to me..........

He will be on his own cos no woman will put up with her...........

Thanks for your comments though, I know that you are right, and happiness is rare, but unfortunately it wasnt making me happy going up there to be constantly feel crap by his mother......


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Yes, sometimes its best to move on.

Wish you luck



Aw Anne bless ya. Bet you are so torn. You have to do what you think is best. No-one is living in your shoes. I have half been there. Like i said its different with his Mum as she is poorly. She even said the other night that she hopes i wont lose touch if we dont end up working things out. That meant a lot as she thinks nothing of his ex's.

GLad you had a good night out. Its normal to miss him. Its not a overnight cure. Wouldnt it be lovely if it was.

You try and enjoy the rest of your weekend. xx

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Yup I do feel torn, but he has made his choice and that is his mother..... he doesnt believe she has done the things to me that I say and Im not going to carry on battling with that.... Life is hard enough without haaving to battle the one person that is supposed to love you.......

I'll be fine , I always am.......

I hope you get what you want too Lou..........


You got some good points there. What will be will be and thats how i look at things now. Its a difficult thing if he doesnt believe you. You need trust and need to know someone has your back.

Lets see where we are in a few months.

You will find happiness. Do we not all deserve it. xx

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:-) XX

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Hi Anne and well done on the late night.

Why not tell him the next time you want to see him is at his mums funeral, then take it from there. Only joking. It must be so frustrating for you as you still have such strong feelings for him yet his mother is preventing you from being together, well him too as he lets her interfere.

Maybe it's for the best you move on from this. I know it's easy for us to say that. I wish we could be of more help but I'm sure you will make the right decision for you. Try not to take up too much of your life on it though.

Love and best wishes

Xxxxxx cookie

in reply to

that made me chuckle............And this has taken too much time of my life already............ Im going to flush my head down the loo and get a grip.... anyway Ive told him not to text anymore or I will change my number............

Start a new chapter............. Listening to pink............ her lyrics help be strong at the min........

Love to you both.....


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