this past week ,been feeling weird,my head feel like its going to explode ,no pain,just a funny sensation,feel on edge,and jump at the slightest sound.head light,heart racing at times,I know its anxiety,and I need meds,but I cant take them,I am too afraid.I have sertraline,zispin,mianserin,lyrica,st johns wort,and 5htp,in my cabinet,not even opened,I dont know what to do or what to take,please help
feeling very weird.: this past week ,been... - Anxiety Support
feeling very weird.

Hello miarose, i have a fear of taking meds but im trying to ova come it now so i cant sat much on that subject. The doctor as told u to take them to make u feel better, thats wat i keep telling myself. I found sticking my headfones on at listening to some relaxing music helps plus a hot bath before bed. Try talking to ur self in ur head, well to the anxiety. I find telling it that im not bothered its there and not fighting it helps. It takes time but u can do it. I do promise u ur meds will help u feel better thou xxx
Hi sorry you are feeling so anxious. If you like reading I can recommend a technique called Mindfulness that the Mental Health charity are promoting. It is a fantastic way to calm an anxious person down. You can do the course online but a book is much cheaper on Amazon. You will move on from this state of mind in time but it is hard when you are going through it isnt it ? Sleepy5 x
hi, i know what you are going through. i didn't want to go back on medication but got that bad thah i had to to. you have to try and overcome your fear and tell yourself that they will do you good. also try to keep busy and try not to think about the weird feelings and they will subside. also i would reccommend a book called self help for your nerves by claire weeks. also go on a site called nomorepanic. good luck x.
Hi it good that you recognise these are almost certainly anxiety symptoms, understanding is half the key. Keep this thought in mind. Most people (me included ) because they cannot explain/understand the symptoms start to internalise and focus and worry about them which is totally understandable but this just gives you more anxiety. The symptoms of anxiety then become your problem whatever the initial triggers were. In effect you add your own second tier. Your nerves have become sensitised and "fire off" at the slightest thing. That's just normal for you at the moment and you need to try to accept as best you can the symptoms and try not to let them limit what you do too much. Avoiding situations where anxiety rises just sows the seeds for worse anxiety further down the line - Again this is hard to do but it does make sense but try to relax into things as much as you can manage.
As to medication this can be a real trial and error thing some work for some people and not others and it might take some time to get the right one/dose. Personally I have found that most did help me with the linked depression I got because I was anxious for so long and so severely but they really did not do much for the underlying anxiety. Setraline is a very commonly prescribed and well thought of and tolerated med, cannot comment on the others. Just follow GPs advice re meds and if they are not helping after giving them a sufficient time period go back to GP..I am sure you are aware that a lot of them take a while to work and can also cause your anxiety to rise in the first few weeks as your body adjusts.
If you like reading a couple of excellent books (in my opinion) which adopt a similar approach and get rid of lot of the confusion are "Essential Help for your Nerves" - Claire Weeks and "At Last A Life" - Paul David, both can be found cheaply on Amazon/Ebay. Sometimes a combined approach (meds and understanding) could be the best. As the others have said you will come out the other side. Take care X
Hi again after submitting my reply just seen hypo7's pop up. Hmm two people suggesting the same - something in this?
Cheers X
Hi all my lovely friends,thank you all for your comments.I take on board what your all saying,I know its anxiety,I also know I have to help myself,but I must stress,its a phobia I have about meds,I cant understand why a med thats supposed to stop anxiety,actually gives you more anxiety,I couldnt take it if it increased any higher,I have had bad reactions to ads in the past,is there any med out there that dosent increase anxiety .if anyone knows let me know..hugs to you all.xxxxx