Really finding it hard to cope with these panic attacks the day it's been none stop all day and as I am panicking right now I thought I would write to see if it helps me a bit throat feels like it's closing feel like am going to pass out and not wake up! Sore head can't focus just that horrid scared feeling 🙈
Can't cope! : Really finding it hard to cope... - Anxiety Support
Can't cope!
I have the same thing feeling choking feeling not getting enough air just let you know your not on your own try sip on some water I know it's hard I hate water try distract yourself take your mind off it are you on medication try read a book hv a bath it's really only our mind telling us there is something wrong take care let me know how you get on
Thank you a no it's really not nice at all am not to bad with water tbh trying to clean and keep my self busy but then I feel dozy and need to sit but I will keep going try and get out off it
Thanks xx

Sorry I haven't replied been in a dark place, feeling like I can slightly open my eyes now, its you that made me feel better by caring to reply and feel not alone
Hello it's been a yr I have been struggling with anxiety and right now it's 3:15am I just woke up from sleeping randomly and feel weird I get a a lot of weird things that happen to me i feel like that almost everyday idk what it is I hate it my body feels a little numb and my mouth gets dry and my chest has like a really weird feeling my heart will start pounding and then I end up not being able to go back to sleep i get so scared that what if something is happening to me but I don't know I always think to myself how do I know if it's anxiety or if it's something else how huh man the struggle
Hi I'm kathleen I suffer with panic atack I was told to sit up straight up on the sofa and breath in and out deep breaths then you will calm down or try blowing in to a paper bag but you must breath in and out slowly big deep breath in and out try theme it help me kathleen
Please please see if you can get something to calm you down, you can't work out anything while your like this. Please hun seek help