does anyone have a creepy crawly sensation... - Anxiety Support
does anyone have a creepy crawly sensation on their skin. I have it on my face.

yes i get a craling sensations startingon head when very anxios or actually having a panic attack .
Me too when my anxiety is really bad my scalp and face feels like its crawling its weird x

Thanks eve its good to no other people have this. its very weird
I don't get it but I've been through an nhs pain clinic service where they taught us about all forms of pain and that is one of them - a crawling sensation !
I have a really bad itch all the time. started off (of all places) the anus. that went and then the hands, then the feet, then the scalp and now I mainly get it on the scalp and hands.
I use: everyday and it goes. Hopefully it will go on it's own accord soon!
I hope this answer doesn't offend you, and it may be an innapropriate answer, but I saw this symptom recently on a website about skin changes in menopause. I developed acne rosacea recently, I'm female and in my late forties so suspected it might be due to peri-menopausal symptoms, I haven't experienced the sensation myself but it attracted my attention.
No offence taken. I am a 54 year old male who is trying to find out why he has so nany strange feelings. This site seems to be giving me a lot of answers
Hello agora i have these same symptoms & i was thinking its hormonal related
Hi Gloria_carr, FYI the agora you are responding to is not me. I am Agora1. I guess my name is not that unique.
Oh i"m sorry didnt know π honest mistake how are you
Good Morning Gloria_carr, no problem, I just didn't want you to think you were talking with me. Looking over your responses as well as my responses to you makes me think that the sensation you are feeling in your face might have to do with your headaches. That full pressure head was just one of the symptoms I use to get daily. Having a herniated disc problem (as I do) can cause the headaches you are experiencing coming from the neck muscles.
Body fluids get trapped in the head and ears causing this pressure or full feeling. In the past I had used hot towel compresses on my face and neck to release the fluids. Physical therapy certainly is a way to attend to the problem. Only your doctor can let you know for sure what is causing the creepy crawling sensation on your face. But I would tend to believe it's all a part of the anxiety issue.
The muscles in your neck are causing the sensations in your face and your fear of that feeling keeps the cycle occurring. Have you tried using meditation at least once a day. A time for yourself 10 min could help where you go totally limp with peace and calm. If lying down place your fingers on the lower back of your head and gently allow your head to rest on your fingers. You will literally feel the fluid build up draining from your face and ears causing some relief.
It eventually goes away once your anxiety level is lower. I'm afraid your doctor is right in telling you it's Anxiety. A CT scan and MRI will not show anxiety. A therapist can probably do more at this time in relieving your symptoms. Take care Gloria and hope you start having better days.. Agora1 x
Thank you so much i really needed to hear this you sound like you been here before with the symptoms i"m describing i sleep sitting ik weird how do i do it right pillows & more pillows i sleep in the corner walls of my room bed pushed to the corner head pressure be so uncomfortable in the morning if i sleep on my side but i will try out the meditation, & reread the part about hot towel i think you mentioned anyway thank you for being here for support!! You rock! π
Gloria, one more thing. I sleep on a Kawasaki pillow. It helps immensely. Can be purchased on Amazon. It's filled with buckwheat or beans but is able to be conformed to the back of the neck (support it gently) whether sleeping on your back or your side.
Feel better...I do understand x
Oh i forgot to mention i have a herniated disk in my neck & lowet part of my back thank God it havnt bothered me bc i wouldn't know what to do dealing with that & these new headaches & clogged ear
Me too Gloria, 3 herniated neck discs and a little stenosis. Even with that, as I got more in control with my anxiety, the headaches completely disappeared. Anxiety can play a big part in what we feel physically.. x
Gm, Agora 1sorry for not responding but i got directly in the bed lastnight & my Daughter said hello & shes happy i have extra support, going back over this comment i was looking for the pillow u mention. I noticed you mentioned fluids where did you experience it @??
Hi Gloria_carr, I noticed you are in the U.S. I get my Kawasaki Pillow either from Amazon or Walgreens in Chicago. It helps immensely with people who have neck problems and chronic headaches.
As for the fluid I mentioned, it is the lymphatic fluid in our soft tissue and cells. When it gets trapped at the base of the neck due to chronic stress, it can produce that pressure feeling in your head.
When you are sitting up or walking around gravity allows for this fluid to drain. However when lying down, it tends to get trapped and can cause that pressure feeling in the head as well as arms or hands falling asleep.
Paying attention to the trigger points/muscle knots in our shoulders and neck can help open up the circulation of these fluids. A physical therapist can address the issue by using trigger point release with heat and/or a machine that uses electrodes on the trigger points at a pulsation rate which will break up those knots.
At home, I use both heat paks as well as acupressure on those knots using my fingers. Someone on the forum recommended putting tennis balls on either side at the base of your neck and spine. When lying down the pressure from the balls will break up the spasm as well as release the lymphatic fluid build up.
It may sound complicated but it is not once you find what works for you. Hope your day goes well x
So you went thru all of this before?? Bc it sound just like what i"m experiencing its so scary being like this & you have to be a strong person to have gone thru all of this & still remain humble enough to help others through there issue
Yes my hands fall asleep arm & neck feels funny i cant decribe it i will look into walgreens today did it affect your taste?? It definitely a difference when i"m.sitting. than lying down my neck mucle hurt top of my shoulder alone my back i call it the wings part of my back like chicken lol feel like knots
You are describing exactly what I felt...Exactly
I cant believe this ive been describing these symptoms to my family but now i can tell my Dr bc at first it was just headaches then the neck would hurt sometimes then these knots alone my back it will go in circles then the pressure in the head ear clogged then the nasty taste in my mouth i noticed lastnight when u said lay down on my back i could feel the press pressure in the back of my head which ever way i lay thank u for listening you just dont know how much this means to me i"m in tears but not sorrow tears bc i thought i was crazy 1 more (?) for you did it drain in your throat at times
Yes I did feel it drain in the throat as well.
You know who helped me the most? It was a Rheumatologist. They get more into these kind of factors. He was the one who ordered physical therapy and later on occupational therapy which showed me all these little tricks in order to relieve the symptoms at home by myself.
You are not going crazy believe me. I know that feeling of finally hearing someone who understands what you are feeling and going through Anytime Gloria, come to the forum for support. x
How do i come thru the forum?? I"m new this site??
Not sure what you mean..
You said i should come to the forum for support i was asking how do i get to it