I have this cough that won't go away and it comes and goes. It doesn't keep me awake at night and only cough a few times a day but it's worrying as I keep thinking I have lung cancer or heart problems.
Does anyone have a persistant cough ? - Anxiety Support
Does anyone have a persistant cough ?

Hey, I actually had the same thing. And I was sooooo scared, I thought it was lung cancer (I'm not a smoker) then throat cancer, I even thought it was HIV. I got tested, negative, I thought the test was wrong. The cough lasted 8 weeks with no other side affects. I finally went to urgent care and he told me I had post nasal drip and an asthmatic reaction due to allergies. He prescribed me an inhaler and prescription Benadryl. Took both my prescriptions the same day and literally the cough stopped. I continued to take them of course for about 7 days, still have both left from July. Didn't need to finish them. The cough never came back
It may be something as simple as post nasal drip going down your throat making you cough or allergies. Call your doc and check it out
Morning. when I feel anxiety. I have dry cough. I did the x ray the chest everything is fine 🙏 same times I thought it was a cancer
It's really a bad time for allergies now, that may be what's wrong.
I have to keep clearing my throat in the mornings, & it`s so annoying. Iv`e tried cutting out dairy, but that didn`t help. It happens all year round, so it can`t be allergies.
i had a cough for two years before told it was acid reflux.but mine was mostly when lying down at night on my left side and now being told i have "an ill-defined airspace"in my left lung
fear it may be related to that.
My doctor said its post Nadal drip which is good as I thought I had lung cancer or something like that.
Hi, I have this along with an irritated/hoarse voice. This has been going on for months now. I ended up going to the doctor as I started getting burning in my throat/upper chest (not quite like heartburn). I had a camera down my nose and into my throat in the end and the ENT thinks it's acid reflux (he said probably caused or at least worsened by anxiety). Because my acid is coming higher up it doesn't give me the usual heartburn symptoms but the symptoms are in my lungs and larynx. Xx
Yep I have had the same with the hoarse throat and I have acid reflux as well.
Mine's driving me mad. I've tried several different types of meds so far but nothing works. Obviously until I had the camera down my throat I was convinced it was something horrible and even now I've had it done it still plays on my mind a bit which is stupid! I can't seem to find specific foods that trigger it either otherwise I'd happily change my diet if it would help. Unfortunately the higher up symptoms don't tend to go as easily with the usual meds whereas heartburn would. It feels like almost everytime I speak recently my vocal chords feel irritated! Xx