what is the night time rescue .heard a lot... - Anxiety Support

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what is the night time rescue .heard a lot bout it any good .?

9 Replies
9 Replies


I have heard people say this has worked as well as kalms , I have taken Kalms before & I could see a difference , but havnt tried night time rescue

Its worth you giving it a go though if you feel like it , because what helps one doesnt always help another , so unless you try it you wont know if it will work for you ;)

Just if you are taking any other meds , check it OK to take them

If you give it a go you will have to let us know if it worked for you




angelfaced profile image

Hi, ive got the rescue remedy daytime which you spray on your tongue costs about £4.99 and the sleep nightime rescue remedy too which you put 4 drops on before bed, costs about £4.99 and you can buy them in most supermarkets, chemists, boots, herbal shops, they are a natural plant based mixture with star of bethlehem and other plants/flowers i think that are all supposed to relax and calm or de-stress. My m mym bought me them both about a week ago and ive been using them, not sure if they work or not really, always feel a bit better after using them but i'm not sure if thats the resue remedy or if its in my head lol. I'm willing to give most things a try if they can make me feel better.

in reply to angelfaced

thanks for the info . worth a £5 . lets hope it does the trick.x

sasays profile image

Hi Newton, Ive heard its great but i think people have said dont bother with the daytime and just use the nightime but of course id read up on this one, if its drowsy and you have to drive then obviously best not. Ive taken herbal sleep aids which i didnt think work but i got cheap Tescos own. Tried calms but i didnt think those worked plus you have to take so many and always with food, and i dont eat three square meals so it didnt work for me, plus i needed alot more than calms trust me, i think i was just hoping for the best. I have rescue remedy elderflower pastilles which i really like, although the tin design is appaulling as it clicks open and they all fall to the bottom of your handbag, and they rattle everytime your bag shakes, i do love them though, nbot cheap but worth the poor packaging i think, they must have to change that eventually! I think these type of things all depend on the person so give some a go and see how you get on with them. Tescos often do a 3 for 2 on these type of things which is good. Hope you find something x

thanks sasays, passing Tesco tomorrow will give them a try . will let you know how they go.

Jeffju profile image

I swear by the Sleep rescue remedy and use it during the day too. It calms your thoughts and helps you to sleep.Goog luck. xx

thanks jeffju will buy some , could be a mindset thing ,if you think they are going to work they probably will.

blondedonnakebab profile image

hi i use the rescue remedy night time and i find it does help me get some sleep i would recomend it to anyone x

thanks blondedonnakebab .just bought some today will try them out tonight. didn't realise there was so many diff.types to chose from .pastilles .sprays etc.x

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