I was out to eat tonight and I realized I started focusing on breathing when I got in there...I think the food gets stuck in my chest. This morning I wasn't focused on my breathing. Some mornings I feel so stressed and like I can't breathe... I never get dizzy and my oxygen is always 97 or 98. I want this vicious cycle to be broken....suggestions?
Realized what is causing a lot of my anxiety - Anxiety Support
Realized what is causing a lot of my anxiety
hi Katie i get that all the time it's a really bad anxiety attack the reason why it gets worse because you keep thinking about not breathing so you hyperventilate my doctor told me when this happens think of other things and breath though you'renose and out though you're mouth it works what I do is close my eye's and imagine that im on the beach with the waves or i imagine im sitting at a river with a water fall it really works if that don't work buy yourself a sound machine i have one because my doctor told me to buy one it's so relaxing i hope that helps good luck have a good day and goodnight
Walmart any drug stores just ask the people that work there and they'll find it for you
Do you get indigestion a lot or heartburn? I was having trouble back in August with my Acid reflux to the point where I could feel the food was stuck which I automatically started panicking then I couldn't breath, and that made my heartburn really bad. Here my esophagus needed dialated or sometimes they need stretched. I am on pills for that , it has been better . It can actually cause Asthma with this GERDS Maybe if you feel good is stuck talk to your Dr Good Luck
If you take a look on YouTube there are plenty of white noise options. I used to use them to get my kids to bed but also work wonders as a distraction !
Do you type in white noise in YouTube?
Yeah there is loads of it Hair Dryers,Waterfalls,Radio Waves..whatever works for you !. It's great for sleeping but I wouldn't really recommend it for use during the day.
I AV that too start to focus on breathing then can't swallow