feeling tense....: Hven't had sleep since... - Anxiety Support

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feeling tense....

matosh profile image
2 Replies

Hven't had sleep since Sunday and the after effects r so severe now i fear for the worst as i suffer from hypertention which becomes high with deprived sleep. Trazadone not working even though i increased the dose last night. Spoke to my Dr this morninng advised to take lorazepam together with trazadone for 3 days. Already worried about what will happen after 3 days if i stop taking lorazepam. I fear becoming addicted to it, just wish that trazadone can work as it is not addictive.

On the positive note, glad at last i'm starting cbt on Monday. just want to get everything out of my chest, has been bottling up for some time. The thing is i'm already thinking about whether it will work or not, negative thoughts again! I know i have to be positive for it to work so i'm trying to think positive but it's hard when you feel low. I also received my books on overcoming anxiety today.

I,m going out soon for a short walk and to buy a diary to dot down daily stuff I'm hoping these little changes will work.

Wish and hope everyone good and thanks for words of encouragement....

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2 Replies

Hi matosh

I no you are feeling low , but your post also has alot of positives

Take your GP'S advice & dont worry about getting addicted to them , you are just feeding the anxiety that is already there , which when lacking sleep I no can be easy to do , trust the GP that they no what they are doing

As your cbt starts on Monday , you can mention these fears when you go & you will not get addicted that quick if at all

cbt has worked for loads of people , why should it not work for you ? like you say negative thoughts , sometimes we just dont give ourselfs a break !

You are thinking positive , you have done all the right things , contacted GP , cbt , ordered your books , gone for a walk to get a diary so you can record how you feel , well done !!!

Let us no how the cbt goes


leehow79 profile image

Hi hun, jst started trazadone lst nite myslf, didnt feel any sedation but only on low dose of 50mg due 2 my sensitivity 2 meds. how long hav u bin on them + wot dose. horrible wen cnt get no sleep. im on diazepam but only take wen needed, cause more problems than worth, good 4 short term but not a lng term awnser they actualy cause myslf rebound anxiety/depression then if u take them lng term r so addictive + cause anxiety, they really r not the awnser hence Drs not like 2 give them out. im under the crisis team + their Dr will not prescribe them at all. theres lots of other things u can try which r better + not addictive. theres atarax(an old fashioned antihisthamine) they dont normaly use bcause of the sedation but hav a strong sedative + r also used 4 anxiety + hav very few side effects. theres also antidepressants like mirtazapine + amitryptaline which hav strong sedatives. if dnt want 2 change anti deprrssants theres so many otjer things. Im on quetiapine, an antiphycotic sounds scary but im only on a lot lower dose than they use 4 phycotic reasons, its a major tranquiliser but in small doses is used 4 anxiety, im the worst sensitive person ever 2 react badly wiv meds, bin on tons this lst few mnths that i couldnt tolerate but can tolerate these. there is so many u can try but if ur worried about side effects + addiction try the atarax as they r very safe + use 4 anxiety + sedate u.....kindest regards lreanne.x

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