Am off to see my counsellor in ten minutes,I woke up early this morning feeling so bloomin anxious. I'm always like it when I go to see her,Infact it's fair to say I feel pretty terrified. I'm trying to work out why and also why when I go to my counselling training course I feel terrified then but I still go. Something makes me go. I'm going to talk about it when I see her but just thought I would write about it as a way to distract myself. Why am I putting myself through this I ask myself,I reply if I don't put myself through this I will stay exactly where I am emotionally and I so want the way I think to change. Not all of it but some of the not so good stuff,the terrible anxiety and lack of self belief. I know why I am like I am,there's not much more to say but maybe there is. I do find before I go to counselling I feel awful and I come away feeling lighter,that's got to be good right?
Just trying to distract myself.... - Anxiety Support
Just trying to distract myself....

Good luck with the counselling. Hope your day picks up.
Talking to someone is sometimes much better than self-analysis .
Hope it works out,
swan : )
Hi. Teddy. Counselling or psychotherapy is meant to bring out the suppressed and obscure feelings we have that cause our anxiety. To bring them from the dark corners into the light of day, as it were. We can then look at them dispassionately and see these bogies for what they are. But this can be painful process, because sometimes things come up we do not want to face and that was the reason we suppressed them in the first place. To avoid though is not helpful. Facing is. When starting in psychotherapy I often found that the training was as painful as the original therapy. As you may know by now, in counselling or psychotherapy the therapist should undergo periodic assessment by a 'supervisor' to assess any problems that may have arisen in themselves. This is, to me, essential. We can often take on another's burdens without realising it. (Technically 'transference'). You may feel afraid because you are entering the unknown. Always frightening but I feel you are doing the right thing. We can help others from the experience we gain in this illness and that can only be a good thing. Very best of luck with your counselling. jonathan.

Thanks Jon' ...Very helpful post mate : )
Thank you Swan and Jon! I had a really helpful session with my counsellor. I'm so glad I've got her by my side helping me to understand what I'm going through and also helping me understand this whole new way of looking at things and stuff that the course is bringing up. Thanks for explaining a bit further Jon.Im now starting to gather info for my first essay,I'm really getting my teeth into it.
Hi. Ted. If I can help let me know. What sort of counselling are you doing? j.
Person centred counselling,mostly around Carl Rogers