hi all i am taking citalopram 10 ml but feel so ill anybody else on them ?
panic attacks: hi all i am taking citalopram... - Anxiety Support
panic attacks
Hi tracy
I cant say I am taking citalopram , but just wondered how long you have been taking them ?
Sometimes , i am one of those people when taking a new tablet , I panick , feel ill , think I have every side effect there is , now I am not saying that is you , but thats how I react
If you have been taking them a while & you feel they are making you feel worse you should go & see your GP , dont suffer , sometimes one tablet doesnt work as well for some as others & there are different ones which when you explain how you feel , if the GP thinks they are giving you side effects there will be other options
Try & get in tommorrow rather than feeling ill
This will get sorted & there is always support on the site
Let us no how things go
i have been on them 4 days now how long dose the sickness last
hi when do u take your citalopram ? still feelin vey sick x
Hi, antidepressant can make you feel a little worse for a short period, (sometimes nausea,s) and they also take3/4 weeks to fully get into your system.....I have took e-citalopram and found them very helpfull....xx. things do settle down..xx
Ive also bin on citolapram, they can make u worse at first it should wear of after about 3/4 days + 10mg isnt a high dose especialy 4 depression but it may be lower 4 anxiety.Ive jst bin put on a similar drug sertreline + had a really bad time wiv these at first but i promise u it does wear of.xx
Only about 3 or 4 days. If theyre the rite medication for u it will definatley b worth stickin wiv. I was recently put on sertraline which is an SSRI like citolopram + i was feelin really sick had dihorea plus 1 of the other initial side effects which i had 4 about 5 days was actualy panick /anxiety attacks, the Dr did warn me this would b the case 4 me. Sertraline at 50mg arent workin 4 me but if they had it would of bin definatley worth it.
Hi. I found the sickness and churning stomach lasted about a week. It's not very nice and I feel for you but stick with it if you can. It's a powerful drug that your body needs to adjust to. The initial side effects should pass within a couple of weeks. Stay strong.