Citalipram 10mg will this stop my anxiety???? - Anxiety Support

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Citalipram 10mg will this stop my anxiety????

14 Replies

I've been frightened to take these but now I'm thinking I might need them as my thoughts are really affecting my life lately!

Any advice on what effects they will have on me will be great thank you!

Maybe I should mention I'm up so late because of impending doom thoughts

14 Replies
Pennylayne profile image

Have you been prescribed the Citalopram already by your doctor, I wasn't really sure from your question?

Are you concerned about the side-effects from taking them? I took Citalopram 20mg for 5 years and I had some side-effects of some nausea mainly for the first few weeks though other people mention various other side-effects which do disappear in a fairly short time. It can take a month for Citalopram to start to make you feel better and it may feel that it is doing nothing to help at first but it kicks in after a few weeks and the anxiety levels go down.

I have the impending doom thought too, it's my main symptom and it's the pits. As I said last night on here this time of year when we change from autumn to winter triggers changes in the brain chemistry and if you are prone to anxiety it can make the feelings more obvious.

I would also say do make another appointment with your GP and explain what you put in your question. It's his/her job to help you and explain the side effects and how long it will take to work etc. Don't think you are wasting their time, it's important and it's about your health. Sometimes it can take a bit of time to get through how you are feeling but it's much better if they understand exactly where you are coming from so they can best help you.

in reply to Pennylayne

Good morning pennylane yes I was prescribed them a while ago but fear of them stopped me from taking them. I just feel that if I take them at some point I will have to come off them and then will I be back to square one and have to ride it out anyway in the end so should I just ride IT out now anyway.

Sorry to be a pain guys but when I wake with a start and have those horrid thoughts I just don't know where to turn and hope that someone will say yes the meds will make this all better once and for all.

G_150487 profile image

My anxiety is the same, constant negative thoughts and dread. I was put on citalopram 20mg 2 years ago and it really helped me. At the moment I'm having a setback as I have just started a new job and it's stressful, so I can relate to the way you are feeling. I haven't had any side effects of citalopram (touch wood) and like pennylayne said it does take a couple of weeks to get into your system but the effects are worth it. Have faith, I know it's hard when your in a dark place as I am too, but you are not alone xx

in reply to G_150487

Good morning gemnewby thanks for replying! I started ready Dr claire weakes essential help for nerves in the midst of my attack last night. Although I have no idea what some parts mean lol a lot of it really does make sense! And then I realised while reading my symptoms had calmed right down. While relaxing and not fighting and just accepting the feelings I fell back off to sleep after a couple of hours.

in reply to

Hi. PB1999. YES! YES! YES!. Marvelous!. Dr. Weekes, bless her, had 'the monkey by the tail'. Your symptoms calmed because you were no longer pumping adrenaline into your body. (You don't but your involuntary nervous system does). I did counselling based on Dr. Weekes teaching and I know it can help; not only help but be there when you want it in 'setback'. Love and blessings. jonathan.

in reply to

Yes I finally invested in one of your recommendations Jonathan thank you for all your help!

I am going to keep reading although I do have to read read and read again some of the pages as I don't quite pick it up straight away what things mean but it takes my mind off of my situation at the time so it's all good lol

Thanks again x

in reply to

Hi PB1999. If I can help with anything you do not understand then DO NOT HESITATE to come back. We are ALL here for you. Love. jonathan.

G_150487 profile image

I'm definitely going to give Dr Weakes a try if it will help I'll try anything. Do you experience really negative thoughts? Today I just feel like I can't live like this anymore :( x

in reply to G_150487

Hi hun, yes I am always bombarded with negative horrible thoughts like now for instance my teenage son has gone on a long drive with his friend and his friends mum. They are going shopping so left early, I've been calling his mobile but he isn't answering so I am now thinking all sorts of horrific reasons why he isn't answering or calling back! Rather than thinking rationally that he is a teenage boy excited about buying new clothes AGAIN, and out with his friend and prob ha his phone on silent as usual! But this thought doesn't stay with me the worst ones do so am just about to search news sites to see if there has been any pile ups on motorways they would have taken.

IT IS HORRID BUT IT IS LIFE FOR ME I'VE ALWAYS THOUGHT LIKE THIS! I don't know how my mum coped when she had no clue where I was as mobile phones were not as common as they are now.

You will feel better tho hun please be assured! We are just worriers who always think the worst outcome. I really do hope you feel better really soon x

in reply to

My son is safe and well and spending all my hard earned money lol. Now I'm sure I'll find another worry to play on my mind until later when he's travelling home.

Thought I'd let you know he's safe in case you start worrying too as I know I would xx

All the best hun take care

in reply to G_150487

Hi. gemnewby. Do I experience negative thoughts? Not so much now, but, boy, did I just!! One's mind gets stuck in a rut. It is almost as if we no longer in charge but the thoughts have taken over. Getting rid of negative thoughts in nervous illness is damn nigh impossible, so don't try. Now this to some is not what they want to hear. We must Fight this thing; not let it get the better of us. I advocate the opposite. Not FIGHTING releases tension. FIGHTING creates more tension and so more anxiety. ACCEPTANCE does not. So give up the fight. Go with it. Please try the book "Essential help for your Nerves". (From Amazon) You may be surprised about what you did not know about our problem and the way out. It's all there in the book.

Love and blessings to you. jonathan.

TeamDB profile image

I have taken a course of Citalopram before and it significantly reduced my Anxiety levels, the force of any panic I did experience, and the frequency of those attacks also. I also found it helped stabilise my sleep during that time.

On the down side it impacted my sex drive somewhat, and it can be a little trippy if you miss a dose as the withdrawal needs to take place slowly over a number of weeks.

They're generally speaking safe and a common and effective for of treatment though so I would at least try them to see if the form of treatment works for you personally and work closely with your GP in doing so.

I'll be back on these myself shortly I expect as my symptoms have peaked again now the summer is over so we can be in the Citalopram Gang together! :)

in reply to TeamDB

Hi TeamDB. What about taking out shares in the Pharmaceutical companies? Join the Cialopropam Gang.!!! I reckon we could make a mint, as they do.You're right about withdrawal taking place slowly. A must. Hope you start to feel better. Kind regards. jonathan.

TeamDB profile image
TeamDB in reply to

That's good advice if you trade investments for sure haha. :)

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