Cure from anxiety will remain elusive if you continually strive to make yourself better.
I'll go for a cycle and that will make me feel better. I'll go swimming, that will make me feel better. I'll try hypnosis, that will make me feel better. Hard exercise did make me feel better for brief periods after burning off all that excessive energy caused by stress and tension from fighting anxiety but did not provide permanent peace of mind and body. It just kept coming back which made me try to control it even more.
This is what I had to change, to stop trying to feel better, to stop trying to suppress those bad feelings, to stop trying to control it. The more I read up on the subject of anxiety, the more I realised that I had to be comfortable about feeling very uncomfortable, going towards the feelings and feeling them willingly instead of shrinking away from them, adding more fear. I had to stop trying to supress the way I felt and stop spending all my time trying to make myself feel better, trying to change the way I felt, trying to avoid or suppress those bad feelings. This was the battle I was still having with myself, a battle I could never win and unbeknown to me at the time, the reason why I wasn't getting any better. If I did the opposite and stopped trying to supress the bad thoughts and feelings and let the storm within rage on without doing anything about it, the battle would end and the storm would eventually pass. I had to stop trying to make all that physical and mental pain go away, I had to stop trying to solve the problem that could not be solved.
The natural default setting for the mind and body is calmness. It does not want to fight all day, to battle with feelings, to keep trying to supress, it just wants to be left alone and stay calm. The name of the game is to stop aiming for peace and just let it come to you.
The more you allow the bad to happen without resistance and allow yourself to feel the way you do without supression, without searching for peace and not being impressed by the scary thoughts and feelings, the stronger and more resiliant you will become. You desensitise yourself in the process. The less you use your mind to solve a problem time and time again, peace of mind returns, along with the ability to think around problems instead of just thinking about the problem itself.
Not doing anything goes against the grain because our instinct is to try and fix the problem in our heads, to hide, avoid or run away when faced with a perceived threat. The reaction is always to find comfort, to fix the problem, looking for that thing to bring comfort but with anxiety, it is the lack of action that brings recovery, not action. I don't mean lying on the bed all day waiting for it to happen. I mean carrying on with your day, accepting that you feel bad and taking the anxiety with you.
During my recovery, I learned to stop fighting the thoughts and feelings and just let them be there and observe them instead on engaging with them, trying to figure it all out. I resisted the temptation to try to think and feel differently which was difficult at first but got easier the more I practised. I learned to recognise an anxious thought ( most of them were anxious thoughts!) and stop the mental battle trying to solve the problem which was only a problem because I had anxiety.
Recovery will follow when you learn to let things go. Giving up any coping mechanisms and techniques and letting the worst come and not doing anything about it.
I stopped striving to be the person I used to be, I stopped wanting to feel different. As long as I was striving to feel better, I was still fighting and not accepting. In time, my mind and body started to relax by itself. Recovery came to me.
If you can learn to accept things as they are for the time being, recovery will follow.