today i feel ery tired & weak in my muscles, does anyone else experience this, i never know if its something physically wrong with me, or whether its caused by anxiety. any feedback would be most welcome.x
tired: today i feel ery tired & weak in my... - Anxiety Support

Hi love, it is anxiety, i used to suffer the same but i got over it, i still from tiem to time when i am very tired.
I am taking vitamins B-complex, it contains essential vitamins of B6 & B12. anxiety drain our body from energy to the point that makes our body ache all over, it does use all out storage of those essential vitamins, if you don't eat fortified food that contains those 2 vital vitamin you are likely to be difficient.
sources of VB6 & 12:
B6: fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, cereals, legumes, fish and poultry
B12:shell fish, fin fish, meat, poultry and dairy
sometimes a normal blood test does not pick up your dificiency as it takes up to 5 years sometimes to use all our storage.
the one i use if slow release one from holland an barrett, big pricy but i only use half tablet a day, it will last for ages. it is always recommended to take more than you need because the body will use how much we need and expell the rest when we go to toilet.
always check with your GP to see what he thinks before taking them.
hope this will help
When I have a bad day or night due to anxiety I sometimes feel exhausted first thing even though I've just got up, legs heavy, no energy etc.
Just part of the thing it would seem.
im never sure with the muscle weakness, as i take simvastatin that can also caose muscle weakness as well.x
HI, i feel reall weak at the moment like if a pebble hit me id fall over! id like to think that it is nothing but anxiety but my health anxiety runs away with me. x
Janice, I copied this off the NHS Choices Website, it gives some of the Physical Symptoms of Anxiety there are many more.
The physical symptoms of GAD can include:
•drowsiness and tiredness
•pins and needles
•irregular heartbeat (palpitations)
•muscle aches and tension
•dry mouth
•excessive sweating
•shortness of breath
•stomach ache
•excessive thirst
•frequent urinating
•painful or missed periods
•difficulty falling or staying asleep (insomnia
take care.