Well I'm 50 years old. I have been dealing with anxiety for many years. I thought I had this under control ( at least as good as I could get it ). Now I'm a little confused. I have been feeling all kinds of things that have increased my anxiety. I'm trying to read up on all info as much as I can. From Menopause to anxiety. A lot of what I have read basically have same feelings, anxiety, tiredness, moodiness etc. that could be of both. I'm just sooo tired and confused. I want to feel normal again. Feeling scared and anxious for days, which I had not felt for so long. Is anyone feeling these too or am i losing my mind???
Tired and Confused :(: Well I'm 50 years old... - Anxiety Support
Tired and Confused :(
I can empathise with a lot of this .. Don't feel I have answers , only .. You aren't alone ..
Thank you
Hi...this is a daily feeling for me. However , I do find when I think about it I make it worse , the worse it gets the more I think.. horrible. But like I tell myself now....i woke up today and I got through yesterday ( albeit horribly at times ) but I did it and you will too.
P.s normal would be great xxx
Peace and hugs
Thank you so much MrsB08
believe me. I'm thinking just like you
I'm the same Jane137 but for me I'm getting more energy when this stuff starts. You would think that's a good thing but it's not because it feels like a jittery feeling like someone's running after me lol then I remind my self to slow down and take my time. I'm turning 50 this year so I think I'm going through menopause right now. For the past four periods that I've had, it was bringing anxiety on so I would get anxiety then my period would come. Sometimes I'll say things in my head like "go back to normal" or "be calm" and honestly sometimes it really works and sometimes I just can't get through the negativity in my head. But don't forget what normal was like and try to picture your self normal again and keep fighting with your self to get over this. You're right you can't tell if it's menopause or anxiety. For me I've had anxiety way before I started menopause so I know most of what I have is anxiety and the other stuff like my face burning and turning as red as a tomato I'm assuming is menopause lol. I hope you feel better and you're not alone
tina22 I appreciate that. Yes I have to keep reminding myself that this too shall pass.
Hi jane137 anxiety has a habit of coming back to bite you on the bum ! Just as you start to feel normal and bang !!!! Back it comes .......but it will go again just accept the symptoms as best you can and I promise you this little set back will go away.just give it time and say to yourself every day ....I'm going to carry on no matter how I feel.
Thank you jessiejake. I definatately will

You can do it jane137 just let the thoughts and symptoms wash over you and once you accept them you lose your fear of them .sending you good calming thoughts.
Thank you Jessiejakes for the much needed inspiration.
Anxiety can't make you lose your mind, Jane, although it's very good at making our lives miserable in fact its power is limited. It's caused when our nervous system becomes over sensitive and starts playing tricks on us. This makes us fearful and the fear we generate keeps our nerves sensitised.
Many people concerned with recovery from anxiety disorder believe that recovery lies in accepting our bad feelings for the time being. If we accept them calmly and with a minimum of fear then in time our nerves lose their sensitivity and we start to feel normal. You say you've been reading up on anxiety, the most helpful book to read is by Claire Weekes, the Australian doctor who developed the Acceptance Method of recovery in her first book 'Self help for your nerves' (UK edition) and 'Hope and help with your nerves' (US edition). Just go to Amazon and read the reader reviews on theboon: 90% of them rate the book as Very Good or Excellent and I'm talking several hundred reviews.
At least you're doing something about your problem and I hope that before long you start to make progress in restoring your peace of mind.
I thank you jeff1943 for all you info. So relieved that others share these symptoms and feelings. I will order that book. Thanks again, so helpful.
Hi I'm menapausal and have health anxiety since my stroke.i feel odd at times and a bit detached and odd vaque?? It is a menapausal symptom.ive started taking magnesium and vitB they also say Angus cactus.hopefully u will feel better next .mine is a certain time of the month keep a diary I do and u might see a trend.its horrible and frightening not being in control and anxiety heightens .good luck keep strong xx
Thank you Bb53. Yes feeling off and at times a fearful feeling really gets the best of me at times. I'll have a few good days and think yes it's over, then bam... it hits again. It's so frustrating but it helps to be able to share with others who know exactly where I'm coming from. Hard to explain to someone who has never experienced this and thinks just by not thinking about it, it will go away.

I know I feel like I'm acting and pretending a lot of the time probably only have 10 normal days a month.very sad at times for us all!but small steps and acceptance is the key !!🤗
hatred is savings me.
I to have had a sudden increase in my anxiety I have severe attacks after the death of my father 4yrs ago have had it pretty much under control till about 2 weeks ago l have those same confused feelings you are having wish I could help more then just saying your not alone
Fender62 I understand. Today made the 4th anniversary of my dad's passing. We were very close and yes I can say it wasn't too long after his passing I began to feel this way. Some days worse than others. I can be strong and feel normal when going thru a crisis, being strong for my family, but when it's all over and the call comes my anxiety is crazy. But I refuse to let this heat me.
Feeling just like you. I am 53 and just got this anxiety garbage 2 years ago and can't shake it. Always crying upset feeling depressed. Have court tomorrow with an awful neighbor who likes to videotape my kids to get them to yell at him. Hope to get a protective order against this ex policeman. On top of that have lots of out of town company right now and have to cook lots of meals. Can't wait to get past this and get back to life. Anxiety takes over your life and makes me feel I am living in someone elses body. Talking to family who understands helps me. I know me napa use adds to it all.
Sorry to read that your having so much going on to add to your anxiety coldalaska. I understand how you feel. Sometimes my anxiety gets so bad with the anxious feeling, fears, shakiness and oh my gosh worst when I feel my throat closing... Hard to swallow:((. Now to add to all this I have fears of choking and stop breathing. I'm so ready for all this to be gone.
I feel the same and waiting on blood results to rule out menopause.
Hi blossomgirl. It's hard to distinguish between menopause. Many symptoms are similar and intensified. Wish much comfort your way