I'm having serious difficulty sleeping since being told to migrate to UC i have never filled a benefits form out myself,
im petrified of having to tell my life story because I lost so much memory after the breakdown.
I have to admit the people who spoke on the phone to me couldn't have been nicer? Is it some form of Trickery? False security? I hope not, I really do want to start trusting people again. Physical pain has been agony the last few weeks
Mentally I've been up and down, I keep asking myself why my memories still haven't come back properly?
Or have they but I've not realised it? Or is it that im afraid what I will remember? I don't think anything can be worse than waking in the night feeling im burning and smelling my own flesh burning. Yet I've had those damn Flashbacks again.
I'm embarrassed to admit I don't know if i wet myself or it was sweat? I was soaked head to toe.
I know some people on here are having a worse time than I am mentally as well as physically, I wish I could take everyoneeveryone's pain scrunch it into a ball and throw it out to Sea,Never to be seen or heard of again. I wish.
Take care everyone thank you for listening