Roll on gardening season, I can't wait until I can get back into the garden and spend many hours putting things into action, I so need this for my anxiety and mental health. I'm making plans what I want to do but if I only can remember at the time .
Roll on garden season : Roll on gardening... - Anxiety Support
Roll on garden season

So true! I make lists and notes...for everything! Then I just have to remember where I put them!
Hello Littlecook I'm in the garden already !
I love it I have been doing an hour a day even in the cold I wrap up I have been clearing a border a day of the leaves from our oak tree They are a nightmare we did all the grass in the autumn and now it's border time We don't have a huge garden but it's just perfect for me
Going out there with a robin singing and hopping down to get the worms it's such a simple pleasure
and does me good
Do you like visiting gardens ? If you do did you know about the Gardeners World 2 for 1 admission offer ?
In the May edition of the Gardeners World magazine they give you a card and a booklet with loads of lovely gardens including Nat Trust ones to visit With the card you only pay for one person and the other goes free
We love it The magazine is usually in the shops in April
Gardening is just such a wonderful hobby I've been doing it for 50 years this year
I love nature - birds- walks- I love the seasons changing and I think every season has beauty
All the bulbs are shooting up now and the afternoons are staying lighter longer
Lots for us to look forward to
I woke up feeling very low but "chatting " to you has made me feel a whole lot better
Have a good day looking for and enjoying simple pleasures it helps me so much to do that
Take care
Good morning My friend Thank you for your lovely message, I only have a small garden but it seems to take me ages todo , at one time I would do everything in one day but not now , my front garden is a lot smaller but it's the same , I have to keep resting because of my dizziness but I try and do as much as I can .
You have made me realise its never to early to start gardening thank you .
Take care of your self keep smiling 😃 today I'm your friend.
I do the same I was taught "pacing" at a physio group and I do an hour and then stop and rest with a cuppa for 30 minutes then start again I get so much more done than trying to carry on and get achy and tired
I'm so sorry to hear you suffer from dizziness that much be horrible
I find being in the garden lifts me so much
I'm glad that you have a front garden too as so many people have them paved over now
I love front gardens they remind me of doing my morning paper round in the 60's and going up and down front garden paths and shutting gates !!
Oh no never too early to be out there there is always something to do
Have a good day and yes we will both smile today
Hello Littlecook. How lovely to read this! Anything to do with gardening lifts my spirits, so this was wonderful to read. We all know how much being in the garden is good for us and I too can’t wait for the sun and warmer days. Just to walk round my garden and look at the bulbs appearing and the buds on the trees is great. My garden is large and we have lots of lovely established trees. Try hugging a tree if you haven’t already done so. So calming. We should perhaps form our own little group and report back on what we see each day, although this is not a gardening site, I’m sure we could do this off site. It would perhaps give other people a brighter day.
Enjoy your gardenening!