I have aalways sufferred from digestive problems, constipation, bloating, etc... and also I was diagnosed 15 years ago with general anxiety disorder.
Recently, two weeks ago, I started with diarrhea and bloating, I just thought it to be another of the many indigestions I get, but it's been two weeks and I don't feel better: diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, back ache, headache (I suffer from migraines too) and general discomfort.
I have tried juicing, supplementation etc, but no improvement. My anxiety is starting to escalate since I see no improvement and just don't feel better. I will be goint to the Gastro today, but as any anxious person I think I will receive the worst of the news once he starts making the diagnosis: colon cancer, IBD, etc.
I had a colonoscopy 3 years ago and it came clean. I had a FIT test performed and came negative aprox 1 and 1/2 years ago. I just recently had a close frined being diagnosed with colon cancer and that makes me even more anxious.
Thanks for listening.