does anyone feel like there heart aint beating right. For 2days now it feels so strange like it’s skipping beats fluttering im starting to get scared now because its not stopping like right now it pauses and then does a big thud and flutters its constantly then its making me feel like I can’t breathe right
heart : does anyone feel like there heart... - Anxiety Support
Hi Kaaayla, I use to sense that feeling of the thump and then flutters..
As extra adrenaline pours throughout your body, it can bring on these
irregular beats. Dehydration also plays a big part of this as well.
Follow up with your doctor to address any physical causes. If Anxiety,
finding a Meditation and Breathing can make a significant difference.
Maybe your doctor can prescribe a little something to calm down those
extra beats. It's a totally different game when you no longer feel those
beats anymore.
Sending you gentle hugs. xx
hi Kaaayla,
Absolutely yes! This is me every day. Some worse than others. I get thuds, skips, pauses, racing, double beats and periods where my heart is totally out of rhythm. I have been to hospital more times than I can count! The last time only a few months ago. Seen consultants, heart doctors and GPs and they all say stress/anxiety and now I’m medicated. It’s so hard to wrap your head around. Trust me I get it. Best thing you can do is pop along to the doctor and if you get the all clear then find reassurance in the fact it’s nothing serious. The more you think about them the more they will happen. It’s so hard to get out of that habit I know, but it really works.
Always here if you ever want to chat, I know how horrendous and frightening it can be xx
wow Minnie that sounds like my heart at the moment, and last night in bed I could feel my adrenaline surges joining in, it always worst in bed. My anxiety has been good up until the last couple of weeks I really think this is just a reminder to let me know it’s still there and as I’m ignoring it, it’s going to play with my heart. I’ve had ecg’s etc done in the past and all clear just been told it’s due to anxiety attacks. Oh well I’ll just keep breathing lol. Sending you hugs