Heart Failure: Hi πŸ‘‹ everyoneHappy New Year... - Anxiety Support

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Heart Failure

Kristi74 profile image
β€’13 Replies

Hi πŸ‘‹ everyoneHappy New Year πŸ₯‚

I had a blood test after having chest infection repeatedly. The nurse called me , she said you have heart failure. Surprised they knew through blood.

I'm on 3 heart tabs, fluid I'm my lungs is better. I'm not as breathless. Only took them 4 years to realise what is wrong with me. Told me swelling I had was arthritis. Told me I was tired as I have arthritis. I changed surgeries and they are so thorough and they took a few weeks to realise something was wrong. I'm only 49 and female. Its such a shock. I have had my x-ray waiting on results and an upcoming echo.

Looking for people in similar boat 🚒 and hoping my story and future updates helps others when looking for support.

I'm here to help also if I can. Even if just to listen.

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Kristi74 profile image
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13 Replies
Kristi74 profile image

All replies seem old. Looking for anyone in 2023. Maybe I'm looking wrong. Be nice to chat to people with heart failure and fluid. I'm aneamic in iron,folic acid and vit d. Don't know if there's a connection. I've many symptoms now after suffering for 4 years. Just waiting on an app with cardiologist for my echo to find out why my heart has fluid and my bnp is very high.

I've copd so hard to differentiate chest infections to fluid from hf. Was not chest infections. Years I got prednisone and antibiotics and it wasn't a chest infection.

I've also had fatigue very bad. Low blood pressure and anemia at the moment. On iron tabs to help the aneamia.

Feeling full all the time. Can't seem to eat much. Often feel sick. Breathlessness and loss of interest in life. My symptoms plus stairs you dread which is a clear sign of a heart problem. Unless asthma or lungs. I've both but stairs made my hf worse. Showering is hard and tiring. Lucky I gave up work many years ago. I couldn't manage getting up and going through a full day without needing to sleep.

Blood test is great for the bnp. At least I know its my heart. The echo will tell me why. I read stents etc don't really help hf patients. What is people's thoughts on that?

Nomis21 profile image
Nomis21 in reply to Kristi74

Hi kristi,

Do you know what your blood BNP result was?

Not sure if I'm in a similar situation as you as I haven't been officially told I have HF but it could be heading that way.

I had pace and ablate nearly 2 years ago after suffering from WPW all my life which caused episodes of very bad palpation s and I've never regained a active healthy life since.

Recent blood tests showed a high BNP level 3x igher than normal, had an echo last week and was told by the sonographer that there is about a 10% decrease in my heart function since my last echo.

Results of echo sent to cardiologist.

I also have thyroid issues and awaiting test results from a radioactive scan.

My symptoms include breathlessness, weakness, fatigue and tiredness, feeling of bloatedness fullness, excessive sweating when I walk or try do anything physical (not that I can) like you I've lost interest in most things and enjoy my bed more than ever, I have a cough but wouldn't say it's a bad cough at present, a feeling of heaviness in my chest most days and my legs just feel weak.

I've gone from being quite active (could never sit still) to the other end of the scale where I know need to sit and relax due to no energy, I sleep through the day more and when I'm at work it's hard to keep awake some days (I have a desk job)

I have been taking propranolol for about 5 month but feel much benefit.

I've had bouts of illness since my ablations and pacemaker insertion and it's been a long journey without any positive diagnosis why I feel the way I do, it was the last blood test (taken in Nov 23) that's put me on the road I'm currently on.

I can relate to a lot of the symptoms of HF and with the elevated BNP levels and potential decrease in my heart function it's probably looking like I'm in HF but it hasn't officially been said by a cardiologist so I'm cautious to say HF is the cause of my symptoms and health issues.

TBH I'm fed up! Like I said earlier it's been a long journey from being told my symptoms were down to anxiety, having to go to therapy and prescribed meds for anxiety (which I knew was a waste of time) but went ahead with the therapy to tick it of the list! Being referred to the asthma clinic ( both asthma and COPD was ruled out) and spending a month taking spirometry readings and sucking on a inhaler, again waste of time.

I've constantly been at the docs, had various beta blockers, anxiety meds and advice which just hasn't proved to be any benefit.

It's only now since the last doc I seen requested bloods to show elevated BNP levels do I think I'm getting somewhere with a diagnosis but it all takes time which again has had a negative effect on my lifestyle and health, even walking the dog isn't a pleasure anymore due to struggling and not being able to walk as far as I could.

Wow got carried away there sorry for the rant, I was just curious to see if you knew what your BNP levels were? Oh also I was told that elevated BNP levels could be down to a virus or other things not related to the heart so just wondered if you have been suffering from something that may not be heart related?

Take care

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

I suffer with anxiety and one of my fears was always health anxiety

I would try and reason with it but always a struggle

About 3 years ago I had a heart attack confirmed in my head I had always been right fearing as I had done even though we know deep down this is not the case but tell health anxiety that ! :-)

I went on to have two more heart attacks followed by a triple Bypass

The first heart attack I had despite having the Bypass damaged some of my heart so I am classed as having heart failure I have also become diabetic something I never expected and struggling with

Before I had these health issues having health anxiety was hard enough to cope with now every day feels like a battle

You do well coping with your health issues and I wonder if you have looked at the other Communities on here as there is the British heart Foundation Community along with many others and as we are lucky to be a member of more than one Community you might find some of these helpful to

I will put you the link to the BHF Community so you can take a look :-)

Happy New Year to you :-) x


Kristi74 profile image
Kristi74 in reply to BeKind28-

Thank you for the link. I appreciate πŸ™ πŸ’› very much. I say "ride the wave". Doesn't always work but some days will make up for the bad.

It's anxiety that is hard to fight. All the mind chatter. Everything that can go wrong. Convinced of the worst.

Health anxiety is just as debilitating. It's scary when it's your heart.

I found watching telly πŸ“Ί helps. Just take your mind somewhere else. That's what I do.

Stay strong. You are. Plus you've been through a lot.

Each day at a time. Be good to yourself. Sleep when you need to. I love bed. I sleep a lot. I'm not complaining. I've a heat snake I put on my chest. It helps anxiety and is cozy. That's how I'm coping. Crying happens. Frustration. It let's it out from time to time. Get back on that wheel. Good company is a wonderful antidote. Just friends seem to disappear when you are sick.

Nice to you to share your story with me. Make me feel welcome. Very sweet of you. Means a lot. So thank you. 😊

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Kristi74

Hello :-)

Very true riding the wave can be a massive struggle and not easy at all and I have found since my heart attacks and Bypasses it is even harder

Before I had actual health issues I used to be able to reason with my anxiety and TV was something that would distract me since no matter how hard I try nothing switches my mind of from the fear I feel not even the TV I can be watching that at the same time as worrying which is so frustrating !

I cry a lot most days and talking I find helps even though I am sure people get fed up with me going on but I need to talk holding it all in really does not help at all

I think all you are dealing with and still finding ways of distracting yourself you are doing great :-) x

Kristi74 profile image
Kristi74 in reply to BeKind28-

I procrastinate watching telly. Every twinge is this it!! I've had bad health problems since 21 years old. Nothing is as bad as worrying about the heart. Anxiety sucks. I have diazepam it helps a little. I also have a private prescription for marijuana from sapphire medical clinic. It is a great pain reliever and great for anxiety. It helps you eat. I often be sick not eating.

Maybe that's why I can melt into the telly plus its all I have. I cried everyday for years and my eyes were so puffy underneath. I couldn't stop. I had such sad feelings especially after my husband left me for being ill after 26 years together. Abandoned me in hospital. It was cruel.

I can't move on with hf as who would want me now. You do feel your life is over.

Really it isn't. It's all negative self talk.

All the lies we tell ourselves.

Please chat to me when you cry. I am a great listener. I used to be an auxiliary nurse. I don't make a good patient lol.

It's finding something to combat the intense feelings. Meds didn't work for me. Msrijuana I drift on a cloud ☁️ and life doesn't seem too bad as I'm scoffing a Mars bars that's delicious. πŸ‘Œ. That's how I tune into telly is the marijuaja. Without it I'm shaking. It's awful.

Not suggesting you try it. Just telling you how I control mine. It works for me.

I also do embroidery and have my sewing machine. Anxiety stops me doing much.

It's a battle. I will force myself back into my hobby. I sometimes go on the art sherpa on you tube. She is also an Anxiety and bipolar sufferer. She has a lot of sick people watch her. Paint and sip. She teaches you to paint. Traceable too. I never thought I could paint. I can now. I started with cheap paints from homebargains. It's good therapy and she's uplifting and caring. She cheers me up. Also nanaskelly I think her name is. I watch her and her life stories are interesting as well as orbs in her house. She's very uplifting and a lot of lonely people watch her. Me included.

You tube I watch more than anything. Usually health stuff. Not always good to watch them. Everyone is different.

You have yourself a happy new year πŸŽ‰ ✨️ πŸ’› πŸ™‚

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Kristi74

Happy New Year to you to :-) x

lynne0_0 profile image
lynne0_0 in reply to BeKind28-

I am the same regarding wanting to talk about it. I tell myself I must stop worrying other people. But it's all that ai can think about! This is a good place to.be though. It helps xTake care. I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering in this way. You are a great support to other though x

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to lynne0_0

Hello :-)

I know what you mean you always seem to think we cannot keep going on about how we feel to others yet for some we need to talk it is what helps us work through this :-)

We are here to support each other and for most they really benefit from the Community :-)

I hope you have had a nice day :-) x

lynne0_0 profile image
lynne0_0 in reply to BeKind28-

Thank you. And youb too x

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to lynne0_0

:-) x

valory profile image

Hi, I thought I give this site a try. Wow. I'll be seeing cardiologist in a month following an ER visit last week for bad palpitations. They found elevated troponin and BNP. Quite the surprise. I've been doing the medical runaround for many years - fatigue, recurrent mono, Lyme, depression, fibromyalgia, arthritis, breast cancer. Despite being active, eating well, working a decent job and in relationships.What is up with all of this?!

You don't need to answer but I'm angry and disappointed in our medical system.

Bikica1234 profile image

Hey Kristi74,

What ailments do you have? Describe your problems and when and how it all started?

Not what you're looking for?

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