Geez here I go again fearing a heart attack. I literally just had a 2 week heart monitor on (results: harmless pvc's which I was offered beta blockers but was told didn't have to take them unless I wanted to not deal with palpitations.) And I had blood work done with the results being, I'm healthy and have no clots. Basically my heart looks really good and I try to accept it but I get those moments of anxiety and its really heard for me to not believe I'm about to drop dead.
Heart health anxiety.: Geez here I go again... - Anxiety Support
Heart health anxiety.

Hi anxiouslady13
I think we all know those horrible feelings.
I started to write down all the times I survived the "feelings of heart attack and death"
After some time I saw that I survived quite a few??? Yes. Then I started challenging those thoughts and feelings. I discovered the feelings and thoughts were all lies.
Just as a side note! I was born with a CHD named Tetralogy of Fallot and had AFIB.
Never give up the fight to think the write reasonable thoughts.
That's a good idea too write down these moments. I might try that. Journaling does help a lot sometimes (when I remember to do it). It's just so terrifying. I feel like once I start to accept it, my brain just kinda freaks out and starts to worry again.
I was honest with myself and wrote my panic feelings down. When I read it later, and the fear, anxiety, and panic was gone, I could not believe that I was so afraid and in a state of panic.
Omg I get into these cycles too where I’ll worry I’m having a heart attack or stroke. I always check my face in the mirror for drooping or anything like that it’s ridiculous. Drs have told me my heart is fine sounds like a good heart beat and that I’m young and the odds of having a stroke or heart attack are super super rare. It’s terrifying the way anxiety makes us think and feel just horrible. I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Your bravery to keep
Going each day and to come on here and open up is admirable.

Thank you for your kind words. I have had tests done and everything is ok except I do have extra beats. They are harmless though. I camt wait till I beat anxiety. Its an everyday struggle.