Sudden dizzy spells , brain zaps , droppin... - Anxiety Support

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Sudden dizzy spells , brain zaps , dropping sensations

DSLAMM profile image
3 Replies


For nearly 3 years I have been having problems with these random (seemingly unprovoked) dizzy spells, dropping sensations and or brain zaps . I mention these three things because sometimes it feels like I have been jolted with electricity, with no warning it just comes out of nowhere . Sometimes I feel like the ground beneath my has just disappeared and I'm dropping like on an elevator , sometimes I just get this slow onset of dizziness that feels unpleasant. I also get tight chest feeling and butterflies in my stomach, often with dizziness

I have been to the doctor's , EKG, blood tests etc and everything is fine . I take no medication but I sometimes use cannabis and drink occasionally. I do consider myself rather anxious at times , but only physically . My thoughts are fine until these episodes occur .

Has anyone else had these symptoms? I'm afraid to go back to the doctor in wasting their time because they have already diagnosed me with anxiety . But I guess I'm just asking for some support as I'm worried that it could be something serious , or if anyone has found some solutions .

I am doing meditation and taking magnesium and ashwanga supplements for anxiety and sleep .

Thanks in advance

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3 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi DSLAMM your symptoms are so prevalent to overwhelming anxiety.I experienced the same thing at one time. Everything that you described.

Anxiety comes from a negative thought of fear or anticipation (even if you

do not realize it) Your body senses that something is off and reacts

accordingly. Our over sensitized nervous system is always on watch.

It can take but a quick thought, a sound or something you hear or see

and BAM the body reacts. I can't tell you how many times I thought the

ground under my feet was caving in. How many times I got brain zaps

or under my feet feeling like I was standiing on a vibrator. Whooshes of

dizzyheadedness, a rush/jolt would actually push me forward while sitting

and of course the butterflies in the stomach go without saying.

You see my friend, you are not alone. The Mind/Body Connection is a powerful

one. Once you understand it as well as accept how anxiety works, it will slowly

get better. I personally, use meditation and breathing each and every day.

It helps calm down the nervous system which in turn reduces the amounts of

free floating adrenaline (the cause of our symptoms)

I'm glad you reach out to us. As you talk with others you will pick up some ways

that you can reduce your stress levels. We can't allow Anxiety to control us :) xx

designguy profile image

It sounds like you are experiencing the symptoms of anxiety/panic which can be very confusing. They can be your body's way of getting your attention and letting you know that something is off, either mentally, physically or both. It can be compounded if you develop a fear of the feelings. It can be caused by physical issues like if your hormones, thyroid or adrenals are not functioning properly, poor diet or it can be caused by repressed emotions, emotional dysregulation, stress and faulty thinking.

My suggestion is to learn everything you can about anxiety and determine why and how you developed it and how to deal with it and heal from it. I found the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos very helpful, the book "At last A Life and Beyond" by Paul David and the books and youtube videos by Dr. Claire Weekes. Also working with a therapist who specializes in treating anxiety and even medication temporarily can be very helpful. I also found Somatic Therapy, ACT Therapy and EMDR Therapy to be very helpful. Understanding and learning to accept the anxious part of yourself is key to recovery.

01021968 profile image

hey bro I have had anxiety and the symptoms are real. But get checked out by a cardiologist please because I went through it all. From chest tightness to chest burning for 15 years. And it was always anxiety I was told. Intill I sent a cardiologist and was found 50 percent blockage in one artery. And yes I’m in shape don’t smoke and never stop. Just watch. Your self sometimes trust you body. And don’t ever feel like a dummy for going to a doctor. It there job. Wish you luck long hard gurney

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