Hey everyone, I'm new here. I got to attend another support group just for learning purposes and really benefitted from it as a nursing student and thought I'd join one that could really benefit me more so here I am... trying to tackle my generalized anxiety disorder through non-pharmacological means. So, I figured I talk about something that affects me a lot with my disorder and that is talking in front of everyone as a group. I know typically people say it's just stage fright and all but for me, I go on dreading public speaking in class for days and days in advance and I just don't know how to deal with that. I start taking rapidly, I start profusely sweating and may voice stutters so much it just feels embarrassing. I'll get nightmares about it as well and I often ruin my whole day thinking about my embarrassing performance. I get panic attacks when I'm super stressed as well. I feel like I've tried every single thing I know to battle my fear of talking in large groups and going out and socializing. Can anyone share any tips for managing their anxiety? I'm very open to trying new things.
I'm new here: Hey everyone, I'm new here. I... - Anxiety Support
I'm new here
Hi PinkArtist54 and Welcome!
Have you tried practicing your breathing techniques?
Did you know that taking pauses while speaking is not only acceptable
but gives you a chance to calm down and your audience a chance to
take it what you said.
You Tube has some great breathing videos that you can listen to and practice
at home, while driving, while shopping and while on the phone. It puts you in
a calmer place of mind and body. Make sure when speaking, you pull your
shoulders down away from your ears. A more relaxed stance.
I taught CPR classes to instructors. I was asked to speak to in-patients on the psyche
ward as part of a social anxiety disorder. Believing in yourself and in what you are saying
plays a big part in feeling more relaxed and in control which will eliminate the anxious
symptoms you once experienced.
I hope this helps some. Good Luck on your next speech. We're here to support you xx
Hi Pink, it sounds like you may be suffering from social anxiety disorder not just stage fright or general anxiety. You might look into the symptoms of it and see if any fit for you. It's common for anxiety sufferers to have more than one type of anxiety at a time. You might also benefit from working with a therapist who specializes in social anxiety/performance anxiety if there is one near you or online. A lot of them use exposure therapy in their treatment process. If there isn't one near you, you might look into the socialanxietyinstitute.org online program, I found it very helpful in my recovery since their wasn't a therapist near me.
You might also check out the DARE Anxiety/panic youtube videos and program for learning how to handle the panic/anxiety. You might also check out your local Toastmasters group to see if they know of a therapist or coach that could help you.
Know that what you are experiencing is very common and you can learn to manage it by getting the right help and understanding.
I have that too. I dislike speaking in front of crowds. I'd rather sit back and watch. BTW when people told me to imagine everyone in their underwear, it didn't work. 😅