Has anyone taken Gabapentin for panic/anxi... - Anxiety Support

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Has anyone taken Gabapentin for panic/anxiety?

kama24 profile image
18 Replies

My doctor just added Gabapentin to my other meds for panic disorder. Of course I googled possible side effects and am scared to take it. I have taken 3 pills with no ill effects but I'm still "over thinking". Does anyone have any words of wisdom?

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kama24 profile image
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18 Replies
Funkyfaerie profile image

I was offered it for muscle tension that I get with anxiety, I was told it helped with nerve pain, so I think it must be used for anxiety, despite its main use for epilepsy I think. I'm not going to be any help Kama, I'm sorry, as like you I didn't like the look of the side effects. I hope someone comes on here that can help you in a positive way.

I can only commiserate with you.

Best Wishes xx

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Funkyfaerie

Thank you for replying. Yes, its main use is for pain but they say it is used for anxiety. It seems every medication has many unpleasant possible side effects. I've been taking Luvox for months with little to no help from it so the dr. suggested adding gabapentin. I will likely give it a try but won;t continue if frightening side effects start. Take care

1428SRTYBK profile image

I was also prescribed Gabapentin along with Lexapro. Was really nervous to take either one of them, but ended up taking 1 5mg Lexapro pill which caused a life threatening reaction called “serotonin syndrome.” I never took a pill after that and when I asked another doctor about the Gabapentin prescription she said it was a complete waste of time and wouldn’t remedy the anxiety. I trust this doctor and because of that wouldn’t recommend this as a real solution.

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to 1428SRTYBK

Thank you for your reply. I've had so many medications over the years with little results. I am likely going down the same path again.

clusterfu__d profile image

I take it every day (600mg/day or more, for at least the last 6 months) and have noticed zero side effects. Can't even tell I have taken it. I guess it does help a little, as I have not had a full-blown panic attack in a while. Even though my anxiety is still pretty high, I haven't gone over that "edge" lately.

I also take a low dose of Lorazepam every day too, so that helps.

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to clusterfu__d

Thank you so much for replying. I take 200 mg a day. I tend to always worry about the possible side effects they list in the write up and worry myself into a frenzy. I take Luvox daily and 1 ativan 2mg.

clusterfu__d profile image
clusterfu__d in reply to kama24

I know the feeling. I HATE taking any new pills, always makes me nervous. Wish I could get off of all of them.

200mg is pretty low as far as daily dose (max per day is somewhere around 1200mg, might even be 1800mg, can't remember). Anyway, 200 is pretty low so I wouldn't worry too much. Maybe take it slow and build up to your prescribed dose, I hope it works for you.

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to clusterfu__d

I too wish I could be pill free. Today I'm "battling"...chest pressure....of course you can guess what I'm thinking. I read where others take a far bigger dose than I'm taking so I shouldn't be afraid. I can't swallow capsules so the lst few days I opened them and just took half the powder in jam. I will try it a bit longer and if no let up in anxiety will tell the dr. it did no good so what's the point in taking it. Take care.

mixedgrill profile image

I am not sure if u live within the UK as I do I have not known gabapentin to be prescribed for axsiaty before so I can only tell u from a pain perspective the side effects depend upon the dosage and although it can help with restless legs it can also make it worse and indeed cause it as well it can cause drowseyness and a feeling of been a little unsteady also headaches although this tends to be 7ntill you become used to it I have not known it to help with my anxiety if I am honest hope this is of some help to you

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to mixedgrill

Thank you for replying. I live in Canada. If you google you will find it it used for anxiety as well as pain I take 200mg per day. I too have restless legs and have noted an improvement but my biggest issue is constant daily anxiety or "fear". I have only been taking it a week I've dealt with anxiety since 2015 and so far no medication has eased it. I find I'm getting depressed with the way I live each day. I just want to be "normal' again. Take care

TurtleWings profile image

Not positive why it was prescribed for you if you have anxiety. Do you have pain? This is usually given for nerve pain. I’d get second opinion. I had to get off Gabapentin because it spaced my head out in the clouds. I had more anxiety from losing everything and not remembering a lot. It affected my mood my memory and overall wouldn’t take it again. It has lots of side effects and is pulled from many countries. It’s a possibility it will get pulled in the US also. Good luck and don’t be anxious about it just keep asking questions online and to your doctors. It will work itself out if you pursue.

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to TurtleWings

thank you for replying. Yes, it is normally used for pain so I've read but if you google it tells you it's also used for anxiety "There are many drugs used to treat anxiety. New studies are now showing that Gabapentin has been a successful treatment for individuals who suffer from anxiety." I'm taking 200mg a day. So far no side effects but I did read all the "possible" ones and it scared me. When I next see my physciatrist in Aug. if my anxiety is no better I am going to tell him I'm going off it. No medication seems to help my "fear". I'm just so down and fed up with it all. This has been going on since 2015. Canada still allows it. I appreciate your sharing with me. Thank you.

CJ07 profile image

I believe it's the same thing as Neurontin and was intended for diabetics. I was prescribed for tendonitis. I never felt side effects. It worked to relieve my tendonitis. Urgent Nurse Practice refused to fill a prescription for it when I had to wear a boot for flattened metatarsal. I trusted Gabapentin to work for joint pain. I guess it's been abused and I honestly don't understand bc I felt nothing . I only noticed when I could move my arm. For the life of me, I can't understand why was such an issue. It was like taking aspirin but did the job. May be some ppl get something from it but it took care of my nerve pain. I hadn't noticed anything until I released I was moving my arm. 🤔

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to CJ07

Thank you for replying. I've read where it is used for pain , restless legs and anxiety. I've been taking 200 mg for 4 days now but no help. One article said it takes 4 wks to notice anything. All I can do is keep trying. So far no medication has helped my constant anxiety (fear). Fingers crossed.

mixedgrill profile image
mixedgrill in reply to CJ07

Having taken gabapentin for some year s for nerve pain i too only notice the effects on my nerve pain untill a friend told me her teenage son wad abusing this medication and was addicted to it i can only suppose that in excess it gives a high it is the reson it is now classed as a controlled drug in the UK now

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to mixedgrill

I was taking 7 pills a day for pain but no help from it so dr. said to stop. It is often prescribed by vets for animals. I go to see a neurosurgeon in Feb.

CJ07 profile image

I used to feel that way. The fear. The fear is always bigger than the actual act or event. We create a monster or boogeyman while we do everything we can to avoid it. I still have anxiety disorder. I take zoloft, clonazepam, doxepin & clonidine. These seem to work for me. Just try to give yourself a break...I know that sounds weird but I felt out of control like that because it was my HUGE shame (monster) and we try to hide it from everyone.

I tried to reach out but my family made it seem weird or crazy. Like "crickets" I found relief in that Midwest Center Attacking Anxiety. I couldn't believe so many ppl were going through same thing as I was. I listened to professionals speak about white-knucklling the steering wheel just trying to pull out of their driveway for work. I learned so much about compassionate self-talk. Seriously, saved my life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Knowing u r not alone is amazing healing. U r okay. We just run adrenaline > cortisol like in flight or flight, always being reactive to fear or stuck in our head.

U took the 2nd step. 1st you reached out for help and now have a doctor who is helping u. 2nd you r reaching out here...you're a fighter and be very proud of yourself.

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to CJ07

Thank you for your encouraging words. Until I found this site I didn't realize how many others suffered from the same or similar symptoms as I do. Sometimes I get so down trying to deal with the fear. I did take a CBT course a few yrs ago. I see a physcotherapist who I feel deals very much with CBT. Sadly I can't say any of the suggestions have helped. I take luvox and 1 ativan per day, now trying the gabapentin. I just feel so hopeless, it's been so long. I refer to my fear as "monster" too. Yes, I feel embarassed and ashamed I am like this even though I try everything suggested. I am fortunate I have an understanding husband and daughter. When I wake up in the mornings I am the worse I feel it's cortisol. My physciatrist doesn't seem to have any idea why I don't improve. I will continue to fight. Thank you for being so kind.

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