Was prescribed Paxil 10mg and have some family members telling me it's a bad one and that there are commercials on it. I get told that there are horrible side effects and it's causing suicides. 😒😫
Has anyone taken Paxil. Positive only please - Anxiety Support
Has anyone taken Paxil. Positive only please

Megan_10845, No one can predict how you will tolerate any drug on the market. Having been prescribed Paxil by your doctor should give you some reassurance that it was done with your medical history in mind. Commercials on different meds on the market are protecting themselves when listing all the possible side effects. It has nothing to do with the fact that you may benefit the effects of being on an SSRI. It's too bad that the negative is what we hear and not the positive.
I know. I have been being told by a close family member that it is one of the main one that is causing suicide. To hear that makes me worried mainly bc I already have a fear of medication. The doctor told me that if I didn't like the side effects I could try another one but I told him if he had one with fewer side effects let's do that and he said we will try this first. I know there are people out there with positive reviews on it I guess they don't get posted much bc they feel better so why go to the internet anymore.
Megan, when reading anything on the forum, it is always best to keep an open mind. Pick and chose what pertains to your needs. You are absolutely correct in that there are others on the forum who do well on Paxil. Keep that in your thoughts when taking any new drug. As for SSRIs causing suicide, it can happen with any of the brands. The evidence has been proven to be geared towards the younger child. Any medication can cause a number of side effects, but if we don't try, we will never get better. Your doctor is right in wanting you to try Paxil first before putting you on another drug with fewer side effects that may not work for you. Then you would be back to square one.
The thing with anxious people is that we want to get better but are afraid to take medication. We can't wish it away and there is no magic wand we can wave. When trying a new med for the first time, right down the dose and time you took it as well as have someone home with you that knows you are starting on a med. After a few times of doing this, you will feel more comfortable in taking your daily dose. Slow but sure, you will get there. Be strong and feel better soon...
Thank you agora. I know I need to take it and I will feel better having someone here with me when I do. I have taken Effexor but I don't remember having this much fear before. I guess now I know more about the side effects and I focus on them. It's been a process for me already I have tried celexa, lexapro, and Effexor. Coming off Effexor was horrible. I have a lot of things to look forward to with my baby and I don't want to miss out on it.
I'm on it right now it's not bad it won't stop your anxiety but it will help you work through it I'm on 10mg like you i still get panic attacks but it's easier to work through them now.
Not taking it personally but I know a few people who are and are doing great on them. They also have a slight sedating effect so it really helps with sleep too once it kicks in which is a nice bonus I don't think many of the other ssri have. If you're committed to trying meds then I think it's a good start. You could always break it in half the first day, or even quarters just to see what happens, probably what id do. Good luck! Don't forget you can always stop if you don't like them
Hi! I took Paxil for about 20 years and it was a lifesaver. Didn’t feel any side effects going on it or while in it. The only reason I’m not taking it now is because it stopped working but I think part of the issue was I was going through menopause which has been awful. Sorry if that’s too much information! I have tried several SSRIs since and have settled on Prozac. My anxiety is still an issue but better than the past couple years. You will never know until you try but remember what works for one, may not work for all. Unfortunately it’s a trial and error and patience is key (hard though). Hope that helps!
I was on Paxil for 25 years and it worked fabulously. It finally stopped working. The weaning off process was a bitch. But I would do it all over again to have those years of relief. But as has been said, everyone is different. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.