Help - struggling to find a med and need s... - Anxiety Support

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Help - struggling to find a med and need something

Vicss profile image
12 Replies

Anyone had no luck with normal antidepressants due to side effects but found other medications that help? I’ve tried everything and can’t function due to side effects but when I’m off meds I am literally disabled with anxiety, panic and depersonalisation and there seems nothing I can do to improve things. I’ve literally tried everything - counselling, meditation, walking, journaling, hypnosis, natural supplements, etc. I need something to get me back on my feet so any advice would help. Never been like this before. X please take the time to post as I need help ❤️ X

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12 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Vicss, I never say "never". There is always an answer out there. Unfortunately, it is a painstaking trial and error process. You mentioned that there are other meds that help besides antidepressants. Would those be Benzos? The right medication is important in

breaking this cycle of panic before counseling can help. Once you are in a position to go forward then it is important that you find other tools to use.

Not everything works for everyone. However, it is worth searching for the right effective tool. But you must give your all in doing this. Meditation doesn't work unless we can be totally present both Mind/Body when doing it. Breathing is another important tool in reducing our stress levels (can work better and faster than meds if done right)

I'm glad that you are on this site. With time you will learn from others in what they use and give it a try. Once you go into the mental state of "tried everything, nothing works" it won't work. As you get what you think. The subconscious mind is constantly listening to our negative thoughts and once that is programmed, it becomes a never ending cycle of doubts and fears.

I'm happy to see that you took the first step in reaching out to others who have experienced

the same. Believe in that you will reach your goal. Stay Positive :) xx

Vicss profile image
Vicss in reply to Agora1

Thank you for taking the time to respond, I’m really greatful. I’ve given all options my all and am persisting but my physical anxiety symptoms are so debilitating that I do need to find a med to help. I have not given the meds my all...I have done them not for long enough and then moved on to another so this time I will have to give citalopram my best. I have just found a good private psychiatrist who has said she will help me for free for a while until I’m in the right direction and she is looking at holistic options. Fingers crossed and thanks again for your help. Much love ❣️

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Vicss

You found a true gem in your psychiatrist. Embrace what she is willing to give you. Keep us updated on your progress. I care :) xx

Vicss profile image
Vicss in reply to Agora1

I will and thank you so much for the support ❤️ X

malcom720 profile image
malcom720 I tried all of those things you mentioned as well except for medically prescribed drugs because I knew they would just lead right back to square 1. Checkout the link and let me know if decide to try this product. Definitely changed my life along with healthy eating habits, and lifestyle changes. I had severe derealization and panic disorder

Vicss profile image
Vicss in reply to malcom720

Thank you - I am doing all these things but not tried this product. I will look into it ❤️

designguy profile image

My suggestion is to take a psychopharmacological test to determine which meds, both antidepressants and anti-anxiety, are best suited for you genetically. It helps by taking a lot of the guess-work out of the process. Mine was from Genesight but there are other brands and mine was paid for by my insurance. My psych med practitioner prescribed it for me. I had been on numerous antidepressants over the years (prozac, zoloft, cymbalta, buspar and klonopin for anxiety) without much success. My test showed that none of those except the klonopin would work for me. I started on one recommended (pristiq) and it's worked well.

Vicss profile image
Vicss in reply to designguy

Thank you - I have done a test which says that lexapro and citalopram will work well but have side effects. Lexapro was awful and citalopram second time round is pretty tough. My test did say Pristiq would work for me but you can’t get it in the UK. Also said lamotrigine would be good but was awful and lithium but I daren’t try the latter. My big problem is severe anxiety. I have a private psych who I saw today who has said she will see me for free for a bit to help monitor my progress so I feel more hopeful. Wish I could try the pristiq....did that help with anxiety and depression and what dose are you on? Many thanks...I appreciate your time and care ❤️

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to Vicss

You're welcome, glad to help. The pristiq helped take the edge off. I also used klonopin and tapered off of it slowly while starting the pristiq. I also found that I have a cmot and mthfr gene mutation and therefore my body doesn't process cortisol and adrenaline normally, it processes it slowly so it stays in my system longer. My psych med functional medicine practitioner had me start taking methyl folate and methylcobalamin (B-12) and SAMe with the pristiq to optimize it. I also addressed my hormone health by getting my testosterone checked, it was low, so I started on shots for it. I also have hypothyroid issues and it turned out I was on the wrong med for it so I got that changed. I also found that caffeine really impacts my sleep so I switched to decaf. It took about 5 - 6 weeks but I feel much better. I have found how important it is to balance the bodies hormone system in order to balance our emotional health. I would check out your hormones. thyroid, adrenal, digestive system and diet, all of which contribute to anxiety/depression.

As for the anxiety, what really has helped me was learning to not fight it or resist it but learning to accept and even embrace it. The same thing for feelings of depression. Learning to understand and accept that anxious part of me has made a big difference. I recommend the books and videos of Claire Weekes and the DARE book and program by Barry McDonagh. He takes Weekes' approach and makes it simple and doable and has apps for your phone. The DARE program helped me through a setback a few months ago, I definitely recommend it.

Feel free to ask me anything else, best to you.

Vicss profile image
Vicss in reply to designguy

I also have that mutation and got methylfolate but because I have agitated depression which means I always feel like I need to keep moving, the methylfolate seems to make me agitated....perhaps I should take it much do you take?? Yes accepting the anxiety and depression is a good idea but it’s hard. I have been trying to put that into practice. I wish I could try desvenlafaxine....does it help your anxiety? Is it the same as venlafaxine slightly?? I am currently trying citalopram again but it is causing bladder pain and urgency which I seem to get on a lot of the’s such a pain. Do you mind me asking if you get that on pristiq? I have followed Dr Claire Weekes but nothing the DARE program so will follow that up. Thank you sooooooo much ❤️ X

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to Vicss

I take 1000mcg of methylfolate. Yes, I think the pristiq helps some with anxiety, it seems to elevate and level out my mood although I think my learning to not fear the anxious or depressive feelings also helps. I don't have any side effects from it. When I was on zoloft I had sexual side effects but it was the only med that I had side effects from.

To me, the DARE program takes the approach of Dr. Weekes and makes it much more understandable and doable and practical. I did the premium phone app and it was like having a portable coach/therapist.

One of the other keys to my recovery has been realizing that I had c-ptsd from bullying in school and growing up in a repressive family dynamic. I started working with a trauma therapist who uses emdr therapy which helped me process and desensitize the difficult emotions.

One of the ways I use to cope with my anxiety was by always staying active and doing something. Part of my recovery was challenging it and purposefully sitting for extended periods of time and doing nothing. It was hard at first but got easier over time. My recovery has definitely not been linear and has had lots of setbacks but learning to accept, validate it and be compassionate with myself has been key. I stopped getting angry and depressed at myself for my anxiety, it was like rejecting a part of myself.

Hope you are doing better.

Vicss profile image

Thank you. You have offered me hope and other strategies 😊. Still struggling with side effects and gone up to 20mg’s is HARD!!! I’m so agitated with increased anxiety but I will battle on as I need to find something to take the edge off. I’ve tried going it alone - hard thing is that I was very well and calm two years ago...not fearful at all of anxiety but things have changed. Onwards and upwards ❤️ Thank you xxxxx

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