Struggling with new scary visual symptoms ... - Anxiety Support

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Struggling with new scary visual symptoms caused by Mirtazapine/anxiety/something else?

RobbieP profile image
14 Replies


Around 8 months ago I suffered a panic attack in the middle of the night (never had one before), and instantly started thinking I had MS/tumor etc because of pins and needles, numbness and trembling. Spent the next couple of months constantly worrying and obsessing over it and had daily dizzy feeling with head pain/pressure and tingling hands and feet (on and off) ever since. Had MRI, nerve study etc, ruled everything out, left with the it’s all anxiety conclusion and have tried my best to focus on that and deal with it after seeing neurologist for the 3rd time 3 months ago. I finally gave in and started mirtazapine hoping that the symptoms would settle and I could start to get back to normal. It definitely lifted my mood and I’ve been sleeping through the night, however, I’ve developed some visual disturbances which have sent me spiralling and going through the what-ifs again.

I first noticed I have a lot of floaters about 8 weeks ago and also when I look at the sky/clouds I see lots of random moving dots quite clearly (visual snow?). I can also see flickering when looking at fluorescent lighting which everyone else tells me isn’t happening. I’ve done my best to ignore this after having clear eye exam, but for the last few days I’ve started seeing very prominent after images. I first noticed it when looking at the google logo on the search screen – i can literally just glance at it, then if I look at the plain white area next to it, I can still see it quite clearly for a few seconds. I know this is normal if you stare at something for a while then look away, but I’ve never had it happen with just a brief glance. It’s really set me back and is hard to ignore and I’m now left wondering if all these visual things are because of the mirtazapine, the anxiety, or the dreaded potential illnesses I was initially worried about which kicked all this off. Phoned the doctor and they just suggested coming off mirt and starting sertraline so I’m not looking forward to the next couple of weeks switching over while stressing about these new symptoms... along with the ongoing original ones :-(

I don’t know what response I’m looking for really but hoping someone will take the time to talk and give some advice maybe

? I'm afraid to talk to my wife/family about it because I don't want them worrying but I'm really struggling again.


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RobbieP profile image
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14 Replies
peanutbuttercup profile image

Hi Robbie, my anxiety comes with a ton of physical symptoms as well. I know exactly what you are going through. Did anyone remember to tell you that the first weeeks on an antidepressants the symptoms can get worse before they get better? I might suggest you go to psychiatrist and describe all your symptoms to them. They are waaay better at prescribing the right medication for you.

RobbieP profile image
RobbieP in reply to peanutbuttercup

Hi, thanks for your reply. I was expecting the first few weeks to be hard but to be honest I was sleeping great with the mirtazapine and didn't notice any other side effects apart from the visual snow, floaters and flickering, which I'm not sure are even side effects. My worry is that they haven't really done anything for my original symptoms either (dizziness, head pressure, tingling, muscle twitches) even after 10 weeks, and now this lingering after image thing which has just started and again, I'm not sure is because of the tablets. It's just started me worrying if all this is something else again and not anxiety :-(

I will see if I can find a psychiatrist locally, I'm at my wits end :-(

peanutbuttercup profile image
peanutbuttercup in reply to RobbieP

I take Mirtazapine at night and Effexor during the day. My physical symptoms haven’t disappeared, but they have gotten better. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the psychiatrist gave you an additional medicine or a different medicine to help. Probably will suggest therapy too. They say meds plus therapy are the best. I have my first counseling appointment Monday.

I’m not an expert, but I can tell you I know exactly what you are going through. I was where you are about a month ago exactly. Like I said I’m not an expert but if you want some it is.

1. Go to a psychiatrist or a psych ARNP. Describe symptoms exactly. Get the right set of medicine(s).

2. Get into therapy.

3. Most importantly of all...realize and internalize what this is...anxiety and probably a dose of depression. That was and is the hardest thing for me. Trust me, there is nothing that you are telling yourself that I haven’t told myself.

4. If you think about it, post back and tell us how you are doing. I think we are all in the same boat, 😁

RobbieP profile image
RobbieP in reply to peanutbuttercup

Thanks P. I was doing really well up until this visual stuff started and it's brought me crashing back down. Hopefully it will go away when I come off the mirtazapine but it's going to be a horrible wait!

RobbieP profile image
RobbieP in reply to peanutbuttercup

do you mind me asking what physical symptoms you suffer with?

Blue42 profile image

Hi, I have suffered with floaters for about 10 years. When I first had then it was really bad, I felt like I was looking through blades of grass with all the shadowing and dots. Mine are worse when I'm tired or the sun is really bright.

My only suggestion is to look at a darker surface untill they are not so noticeable and glance at your surroundings and not concentrate in one place for too long and try to look in to the distance and learn to focus beyond them and if you don't concentrate on them too much you can tune them out. Hope this helps x

RobbieP profile image
RobbieP in reply to Blue42

Hi Blue, thanks for your reply and advice. I ignored the floaters and the dancing dots when i look at the sky, but this after image thing has really scared me! It's hard as well because I work on a computer all day so always staring at text on a screen

Blue42 profile image
Blue42 in reply to RobbieP

You could get some anti glare glasses or try lowering the screen brightness on your PC and see if that helps x

Jeff1943 profile image

RobbieP, years ago when I had bad anxiety disorder I experienced the lingering after image symptom you describe.

Anxiety takes many forms but it is always still anxiety. You see, when we experience anxiety disorder our nervous system becomes over sensitised. This of course applies to the nerves in our eyes. The lingering after image is due to this over sensitivity and nothing else. I note you have had your eyes checked professionally and everything was in order. Of course, over sensitised nerves don't show up on opthalmoscopes, scans and blood tests, they are a law unto themselves.

I have experienced this and other visual symptoms from time to time for 40 years. But as I know from experience they are just glitches in the nervous system responding to worry etc I do not fear them. So I don't generate fear hormones which act on the nervous system and make the symptoms worse. Over the years I've had lots of visual symptoms of anxiety such as the lingering after images, sensitivity to light (photophobia), black marks which I see for a second or two when I blink and look at a white background...hey, I better not list any more or I'll be giving your anxiety ideas!

So the bottom line is that these visual disturbances are nothing to worry about whatsoever - when you eventually recover from your present high anxiety they will all disappear as quickly as they came.

For the record, dizziness, head pressure and pins and needles are also frequent symptoms of anxiety and very wisely you have had these investigated and nothing found snd they don't get any better than mri scans.

So you now have to make a decision.

1. You can believe the doctors and tests have got it wrong and you have some serious illness.

2. Or you can relax and accept what the doctors and tests indicated plus my assurance that this is all anxiety disorder and focus on recovering from anxiety disorder - rather than trying to cure yourself of illnesses you don't have.

RobbyP, I have to tell you that you can never cure yourself of an illness you don't have no matter how hard you try.

The way to recover from all symptoms of anxiety is to utterly accept them for the time being calmly and without giving them the unwarranted fear that you do. Eventually through acceptance your nerves recover and you can claim back your life.

RobbieP profile image
RobbieP in reply to Jeff1943

Hi Jeff, thank you so much for your in depth reply and for outlining the similar symptoms you have suffered, you have really put me at ease. I was genuinely getting there after (somewhat) accepting that my symptoms were caused by anxiety and not the other way round, but these new visual disturbances really brought me crashing back down. I've tried to ignore them the past few weeks but the after images that started the last couple of days are very hard to ignore and quite disturbing! As you say, I've got to accept it's all anxiety once again - perhaps it's realised I'm ignoring the other symptoms so decided to come up with something new to freak me out! Thanks again for your reassurance it's much appreciated

Johnjacob profile image

Hi RobbieP

Just wondering how you’re doing. Similar thing had happened to me and Im just wondering what you found out about that? I also get tinnitus and muscle twitches.


RobbieP profile image

Hi John, quite a lot happened since this post. I stopped the mirtazapine cold turkey and switched to sertraline on advice of doctor and was horrendous! Had crazy bad withdrawals and the twitching went mad so went back on it and then slowly weaned off over a few months. 9 months later I am still twitching, still have all the same visual disturbances I mentioned in my post (and a few more now!) and still none the wiser! I'm a lot calmer about it all tho and just getting on with my life doing my best to ignore it all. Had another nerve conduction study and a ct since my posy and all clear once again if that's any reassurance for you. What are your symptoms?

Johnjacob profile image

Thanks for the reply. I have tinnitus, muscle twitch and the eye disturbances. Are you off Mirtazapine now? How’s your sleep?

Johnjacob profile image

What was your dosage on Mirtazapine?

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