Around 8 months ago I suffered a panic attack in the middle of the night (never had one before), and instantly started thinking I had MS/tumor etc because of pins and needles, numbness and trembling. Spent the next couple of months constantly worrying and obsessing over it and had daily dizzy feeling with head pain/pressure and tingling hands and feet (on and off) ever since. Had MRI, nerve study etc, ruled everything out, left with the it’s all anxiety conclusion and have tried my best to focus on that and deal with it after seeing neurologist for the 3rd time 3 months ago. I finally gave in and started mirtazapine hoping that the symptoms would settle and I could start to get back to normal. It definitely lifted my mood and I’ve been sleeping through the night, however, I’ve developed some visual disturbances which have sent me spiralling and going through the what-ifs again.
I first noticed I have a lot of floaters about 8 weeks ago and also when I look at the sky/clouds I see lots of random moving dots quite clearly (visual snow?). I can also see flickering when looking at fluorescent lighting which everyone else tells me isn’t happening. I’ve done my best to ignore this after having clear eye exam, but for the last few days I’ve started seeing very prominent after images. I first noticed it when looking at the google logo on the search screen – i can literally just glance at it, then if I look at the plain white area next to it, I can still see it quite clearly for a few seconds. I know this is normal if you stare at something for a while then look away, but I’ve never had it happen with just a brief glance. It’s really set me back and is hard to ignore and I’m now left wondering if all these visual things are because of the mirtazapine, the anxiety, or the dreaded potential illnesses I was initially worried about which kicked all this off. Phoned the doctor and they just suggested coming off mirt and starting sertraline so I’m not looking forward to the next couple of weeks switching over while stressing about these new symptoms... along with the ongoing original ones
I don’t know what response I’m looking for really but hoping someone will take the time to talk and give some advice maybe
? I'm afraid to talk to my wife/family about it because I don't want them worrying but I'm really struggling again.